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bug(MatAutocomplete): setValue on FormControl does not update AutoComplete Input #29063

Closed ChazUK closed 1 week ago

ChazUK commented 2 weeks ago

Is this a regression?

The previous version in which this bug was not present was

No response


When using a custom input field with a FormControl, I am unable to dynamically set the value of the input element via setValue().


Expected Behavior

Using setValue() on the FormControl should update the value of the input element.

Actual Behavior

Input element value continues to be empty


ChazUK commented 2 weeks ago

Just to clarify I want to update the query string that goes into the matInput field dynamically in code.

lsamboretrorabbit commented 1 week ago

Since you are working with an Autocomplete that expects a User object or a string that represents the user's name.

By updating your test function to something similar to below. You will then be able to dynamically set your FormControl

test() {
    this.myControl.setValue({ name: 'HELLO' });
ChazUK commented 1 week ago

@lsamboretrorabbit that's the bit where maybe I'm getting a bit confused. I don't want to update the selected value, I want to update the query value that will be used to derive the autocomplete options. And from what I can tell there isn't a way to be able to do that.

Also the FormControl typing is set to string | User which would make me think I can update it with a string and it still search.

crisbeto commented 1 week ago

The reason your example doesn't work is because the display function expects only a User, but your value is User | string. It works if you change it to this:

displayFn(user: User | string): string {
    if (typeof user === 'string') {
      return user;

    return user && ? : '';