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docs-bug(Typography): It isn't clear how to customise Material 3 typography #29214

Open DzmVasileusky opened 3 weeks ago

DzmVasileusky commented 3 weeks ago

Documentation Feedback

Material 2 docs were pretty clear about how to customise typography.

@use '@angular/material' as mat;

$my-custom-level: mat.m2-define-typography-level(
  $font-family: Roboto,
  $font-weight: 400,
  $font-size: 1rem,
  $line-height: 1,
  $letter-spacing: normal,

$my-custom-typography-config: mat.m2-define-typography-config(
  $headline-1: mat.m2-define-typography-level(112px, 112px, 300, $letter-spacing: -0.05em),
  $headline-2: mat.m2-define-typography-level(56px, 56px, 400, $letter-spacing: -0.02em),
  $headline-3: mat.m2-define-typography-level(45px, 48px, 400, $letter-spacing: -0.005em),
  $headline-4: mat.m2-define-typography-level(34px, 40px, 400),
  $headline-5: mat.m2-define-typography-level(24px, 32px, 400),
  // ...

The current page called "Customizing Typography" doesn't have an information on how to customise it at all. It describes the usage only.

Migration guide isn't answering this question as well (

Affected documentation page

amysorto commented 3 weeks ago

I agree this is an area of improvement, in the meantime the customizable fields are here: This is how you apply it to your theme:

DzmVasileusky commented 3 weeks ago

@amysorto But what about font-size, line-height, font-weight of specific typography levels? Why the customisation is so restricted? Can we really only choose font-family and font-weight for bold/medium now? Does it mean designers can't create their own typography now?

DzmVasileusky commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, I could customise it by overriding css vars at least like this:

:root {
    --mat-text-button-with-icon-horizontal-padding: 8px;
    --mdc-text-button-label-text-size: 16px;

however it is a partial customisation it would be better if we could customise it more globally

crisbeto commented 3 weeks ago

Another option could be to enable system variables for the theme and then only change the system variables.

DzmVasileusky commented 3 weeks ago

@crisbeto thanks, funny thing I didn't find docs on system variables on the official Angular material website but found it here

Is it considered as a bad practice? Or are documents just not completed?

crisbeto commented 3 weeks ago

System variables are supported, we just haven't gotten around to writing a guide for them.

DzmVasileusky commented 2 weeks ago

@crisbeto thank you, having a guide for that would be really helpful

shoff commented 2 weeks ago

Couldn't agree more the M3 custom schematic documentation is just as bad if not worse. In the age of AI, there's no excuse for such horrible, incomplete and just flat wrong documentation. Either be professional, or stop publishing libraries with crap docs.

shhdharmen commented 1 week ago

I wrote an article about modifying typescales using CSS variables. You can read it here: