angular / components

Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
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Proposal: Guide for creating compatible community components #5250

Closed willshowell closed 3 years ago

willshowell commented 7 years ago

Bug, feature request, or proposal:


Expected behavior

I think it would be highly valuable to have a guide living somewhere in that explained some of the best practices related with creating a high quality 3rd party component that will work with Material.

Some information that might be valuable to component authors:

  1. How to get theming to seamlessly work
  2. How to get packaging right
  3. Where to find accessibility resources that the team relies on
  4. ?

Perhaps even better would be a link to a starter repo that has a lot of the tooling in place to achieve 1 and 2


It looks like some popular features will be left to the community (, and it would be great to set a standard for these so that authors can be confident they're doing it the right way.

jelbourn commented 7 years ago

I think this is a great idea

This will be easier once we release @angular/cdk (soon!).

fxck commented 7 years ago

Suggested something like this couple of months ago

willshowell commented 7 years ago

Some decisions I've seen made here that custom libraries could utilize to be "high quality":

Also I could see it being useful to have instructions on extending mat-light-theme and mat-dark-theme to include custom foreground/background palette mappings.

Splaktar commented 5 years ago

My talk at AngularMix in October was primarily about this issue. Unfortunately, it wasn't recorded. The slides are available, but their value is limited since I gave a lot of live demos and walkthroughs. There are some useful links to resources at the end and some speaker notes though.

It covered packaging with the new Angular CLI library support and adding Schematics to the same workspace (in a separate project and NPM package).

I'm giving the talk again in January at DevFest Florida and hopefully it will be recorded there. Also I hope to add guidance on theming to that talk.

guzmanoj commented 5 years ago

My talk at AngularMix in October was primarily about this issue. Unfortunately, it wasn't recorded. The slides are available, but their value is limited since I gave a lot of live demos and walkthroughs. There are some useful links to resources at the end and some speaker notes though.

It covered packaging with the new Angular CLI library support and adding Schematics to the same workspace (in a separate project and NPM package).

I'm giving the talk again in January at DevFest Florida and hopefully it will be recorded there. Also I hope to add guidance on theming to that talk.

It was recorded this time:

Splaktar commented 5 years ago

Material Community Components and @devintent/dev implement a lot of the best practices for compatible community components.

There are also some really comprehensive examples of consuming the CDK that are now available. These include Nebular, ng-zorro-antd, Mosaic, and ng-lightning.

jelbourn commented 3 years ago

Revisiting this, I think it's reasonable now to close this out. When this issue was first opened, the cdk hadn't even existed. Now, I think the idea of being "compatible" with Angular Material doesn't mean as much- it would mostly be covered by the theming docs (, creating/using harnesses (, and otherwise generally using the cdk.

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