Open rafaelss95 opened 6 years ago
I noticed that some properties/methods are inherited from a parent class. Is there a way to get the docs copied from there instead of maintain two EQUAL docs?
Good news PR #9299 is fixing this.
AFAIK that PR is only related for some missing docs, not all.
Every member that is inherited is now showing up in the docs. If you still see some members that are not showing up properly, please file a new issue/or respond here and cc. me. Thanks!
@DevVersion I guess you solved part of the "problem". This issue doesn't consists only about inherited members. There are a few members (in table that I listed) that are still undocumented and aren't inherited from anywhere.
It'd be great if you reopen this issue.
By the way, do you mind if I send separate PRs to fix some of them?
@rafaelss95 That might be true. I didn't specifically look at all members in the table you posted, because I thought it was also about the inherited members.
And sure, please go ahead and submit a PR. For such small changes It would be better to just have one PR for all members.
Does anyone here know how to use 'shouldLabelFloat' on a MatInput?
Completely lost, docs are useless.
is declared like this:
Is there a specific reason to it be declared this way, instead of the usual @Input()
? I'm asking because this way, AFAIK, it can't be documented.
is declared like this:
...however it appears as disabled
in docs.
Also, all the inputs
declared in Component/Directive
metadata appear without @Input()
decorated. Is it the expected behavior?
How can one hide the updateErrorState
from the docs? (For example in MatSelect.) From what I understand this should not be part of the public API.
Closing this since, as far as I can tell, all of these APIs are now correctly captured in the generated API docs.
@jelbourn I still see some of them undocumented or wrongly documented (see MatDatepickerInput#registerOnValidatorChange
- it appears in docs, while it shouldn't, as it's marked with @docs-private
annotation. Also, I think @docs-private
shouldn't even be necessary, if that method was listed here:
Should I create a new issue or just update this issue with the still missing members (and it will be reopened)?
Btw, here is the updated list:
Class | Properties | Methods |
MatAutocompleteTrigger | optionGroups , options |
MatButtonToggleDefaultOptions | appearance |
MatCheckboxDefaultOptions | clickAction , color |
MatChipList | errorState , stateChanges |
updateErrorState |
MatDialogRef | id |
MatDialogClose | id |
MatDialogTitle | id |
MatDialogRef | id |
MatDatepickerInput | registerOnValidatorChange , validate |
MatStartDate | errorStateMatcher , errorState , stateChanges |
registerOnValidatorChange , validate |
MatEndDate | errorStateMatcher , errorState , stateChanges |
registerOnValidatorChange , validate |
MatCalendarHeader | calendar , periodButtonLabel |
MatCalendarUserEvent | event , value |
MatExpansionPanelHeader | panel |
MatError | id |
MatFormFieldDefaultOptions | appearance , hideRequiredMarker |
MatInput | errorState |
updateErrorState |
MatTextareaAutosize | matAutosize , matAutosizeMaxRows , matAutosizeMinRows , placeholder` |
~MatListOption~ | ~selectionList ~ |
MatSelect | customTrigger , errorState , ngControl , optionGroups , options , stateChanges |
open , updateErrorState |
MatSlideToggleChange | defaults |
SimpleSnackBar | snackBarRef |
TextOnlySnackBar | action , data , hasActon , snackBarRef |
MatMenu | panelId |
ProgressAnimationEnd | value |
SafeResourceUrlWithIconOptions | options , url |
MatRadioDefaultOptions | color |
MatHorizontalStepper | animationDone , color , disableRipple , labelPosition , steps |
MatVerticalStepper | animationDone , color , disableRipple , labelPosition , steps |
MatStepperIcon | templateRef |
MatTableDataSourcePageEvent | length , pageIndex , pageSize |
MatTableDataSourcePaginator | initialized , length , page , pageIndex , pageSize |
MatTabLabel | origin |
MatTooltipDefaultOptions | hideDelay , position , showDelay , touchGestures , touchendHideDelay |
MatTreeNode | isExpanded , level |
MatTreeNodeDef | data , template |
MatNestedTreeNode | node , isExpanded , level |
MatTreeNodeToggle | recursive |
MatTreeNodeOutlet | viewContainer |
MatTreeFlattener | getChildren , getLevel , isExpandable , transformFunction |
MatTreeFlatDataSource | data |
connect , disconnect |
MatTreeNestedDataSource | connect , disconnect |
CdkDragHandle | element |
CdkDragPreview | templateRef |
CdkDragPlaceholder | templateRef |
DragDropConfig | boundaryElement , constrainPosition , dragStartDelay , draggingDisabled , listAutoScrollDisabled , listOrientation , lockAxis , previewClass , previewContainer , rootElementSelector , sortingDisabled , zIndex |
OverlaySizeConfig | height , maxHeight , maxWidth , minHeight , minWidth , width |
ConnectedPosition | offsetX , offsetY , originX , originY , overlayX , overlayY , panelClass , weight |
OriginConnectionPosition | originX , originY |
OverlayConnectionPosition | overlayX , overlayY |
CdkPortal | origin |
detach |
TemplatePortalDirective | origin |
detach |
BasePortalOutlet | attachDomPortal |
BasePortalHost | attachDomPortal |
CdkScrollable | dir , elementRef , ngZone , scrollDispatcher |
CdkVirtualScrollViewport | elementRef |
ViewportScrollPosition | left , top |
CdkVirtualScrollRepeater | dataStream |
CdkNoDataRow | templateRef |
RowOutlet | viewContainer |
CellDef | template |
StickyUpdate | elements , offsets , sizes |
ComponentHarness | locatorFactory |
CdkTextareaAutosize | placeholder |
CdkNestedTreeNode | isExpanded , level |
CdkTreeNodeDef | template |
CdkTreeNodeOutlet | viewContainer |
CdkTreeNode | isExpanded , level |
FlatTreeControl | getLevel , isExpandable , options |
NestedTreeControl | getChildren , options |
FlatTreeControlOptions | trackBy |
NestedTreeControlOptions | trackBy |
Bug, feature request, or proposal:
What is the expected behavior?
The listed propeties/methods have no docs.
What is the current behavior?
Here's the list that I found of all missing docs.
Is there anything else we should know?
Related to #8789.