ani03sha / redquark

Code that powers personal :nerd_face: website built using Gatsby, ReactJS :atom_symbol: and Node
MIT License
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aem algorithms data-structures gatsby java javascript kotlin python reactjs

Red Quark

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Personal website running on GatsbyJS, ReactJS and NodeJS.


Data Structures & Algorithms

  1. Introduction To Data Structures & Algorithms
  2. Analysis Of Algorithms
  3. Asymptotic Notations

Concept Of The Day

  1. Kadane Algorithm
  2. 0/1 Knapsack Problem
  3. Sliding window Algorithm


  1. Two Sum
  2. Add Two Numbers
  3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  4. Median Of Two Sorted Arrays
  5. Longest Palindromic Substring
  6. ZigZag Conversion
  7. Reverse Integer
  8. String To Integer (atoi)
  9. Palindrome Number
  10. Regular Expression Matching
  11. Container With Most Water
  12. Integer To Roman
  13. Roman To Integer
  14. Longest Common Prefix
  15. 3 Sum
  16. 3 Sum Closest
  17. Letter Combinations Of A Phone Number
  18. 4 Sum
  19. Remove Nth Node From End Of List
  20. Valid Parentheses
  21. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  22. Generate Parentheses
  23. Merge K Sorted Lists
  24. Swap Nodes In Pairs
  25. Reverse Nodes In K Group
  26. Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
  27. Remove Element
  28. Implement StrStr
  29. Divide Two Integers
  30. Substring with Concatenation Of All Words
  31. Next Permutation
  32. Longest Valid Parentheses
  33. Search In Rotated Sorted Array
  34. Find First And Last Position Of Element In Sorted Array

Problem Solving

  1. Bit Magic — Part 1
  2. Bit Magic — Part 2


  1. Day 00 — AEM Developer Series
  2. Day 01 — Introduction To AEM
  3. Day 02 — AEM Building Blocks
  4. Day 03 — AEM Installation and Consoles
  5. Day 04 — Setup AEM Development Environment
  6. Day 05 — Develop AEM Components and Templates
  7. Day 06 — HTL and Clientlibs basics
  8. Day 07 — Sling Models
  9. Day 08 — OSGi Components and Services
  10. Day 09 — Sling Servlets Part I
  11. Day 10 — Sling Servlets Part II
  12. Day 11 — Custom OSGi Configuration
  13. Day 12 — AEM Workflows Part I
  14. Day 13 — AEM Workflows Part II
  15. Day 14 — AEM Workflows Part III
  16. Day 15 — Eventing In AEM
  17. Day 16 — Schedulers In AEM
  18. Day 17 — Granite Datasources (Dynamic Dropdown)
  19. Day 18 — Sling Jobs
  20. Day 19 — Queries In AEM Part I
  21. Day 20 — Queries In AEM Part II


  1. JavaScript Snippets - Part I

With ❤️ from Gatsby Starter Bee template.