aniav / ynab-csv

Tool for making your CSV files ready to import into YNAB
MIT License
164 stars 84 forks source link


Tool for making your CSV files ready to import into YNAB.

How to Use

  1. Visit the link above.
  2. Drop or select the the csv file you want to make ready for YNAB.
  3. For each column in the YNAB data file, choose which column you want to pull from your source data file.
  4. Save the new YNAB file and you are ready to import that right into YNAB!

Multiple Profiles

ynab-csv stores your settings in the browser under a profile named default. Each time you change your column mapping or other settings, the new settings will be saved.

A new profile can be created by adding ?profile=<profile name> to the link above. For example, ?profile=paypal would create a new profile named paypal. Then, column mappings will be saved to that profile instead.

You can switch between profiles by selecting the profile from the dropdown or by typing ?profile=<profile name> directly in the browser address bar.

Running Locally

To run the project locally using Docker Compose:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory: cd ynab-csv
  3. Run the following command: docker-compose up -d
  4. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000


Your data never leaves your computer. All the processing happens locally.

Reporting Issues

If you have any other issues or suggestions, go to and create an issue if one doesn't already exist. If the issue has to do with your csv file, please create a new gist ( with the content of the CSV file and share the link in the issue. If you tweak the CSV file before sharing, just make sure whatever version you end up sharing still causes the problem you describe.


  1. Fork and clone the project
  2. cd into project
  3. Run npm install # You will need to install node and npm if it is not already
  4. Run npm start # when running in Windows, modify package.json and replace "open" with "start"
  5. Make your changes locally and test them to make sure they work
  6. Commit those changes and push to your forked repository
  7. Make a new pull request