anidata / ht-etl

Anidata 1.0: ETL and algorithm code.
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Human Trafficking ETL

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This project will hold all the ETL code required to transform the raw HTML web pages into clean, normalized data that can be used for analysis.

Getting started

You will need the following installed:

Then click on the 'Fork' button above to make your own copy of the project, so that you run

git clone

where yourUsername is your actual user name (e.g. for Bryant Menn it would be bmenn, yours may vary). The SSH protocol currently does NOT work with git lfs with these instructions.

Do NOT run the following:

git clone

We are going to use what is called a fork-merge model for git.

Getting the raw data

A sample of the raw can be accessing by using the lfs plugin for git. Instructions to install the lfs plugin can be found here.

After installing the lfs plugin, setup the plugin by running

git lfs install

and get the file with

git lfs fetch

Module Installation

pip install -e .


Pick an issue off the issue list and get started! If you need help just ping the anidata1_1 slack channel for help.

When you're done hacking, run

git add .
git commit -m "An explanation of what you did goes here"
git push origin

And then open a merge request and make sure it's mentioned in the issue's comments.

Running ETL

ETL batch uses Luigi ( under the hood.

To configure Luigi, rename luigi.cfg.example to luigi.cfg and add the password to that file.

To run all the jobs excute:

luigi --module htetl.main_jobs LoadEntityIds --local-scheduler

Example: Getting ht-etl email parser to run on Windows 10 using Anaconda from scratch

Example is for running on local machine instead of Docker if you have trouble getting Docker to work

Install ht-etl

Create PostgreSQL database running on your local machine (i.e. not in a Docker container)

Run Luigi tasks

A strange error I encountered sometimes was "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack", originating in I don't know why, but fixed it by deleting luigi's .pid files in C:\Users\Lukas\AppData\Local\Temp\luigi

What just happened? (step-by-step for Luigi newbies)

What if I want to re-run the pipeline to make a new set of output files and new Postgres table?