aniket-work / Lets_Build_Market_Analysis_Team_w_AI_Agents

Let's Build Market Analysis Team w/ AI Agents
Apache License 2.0
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Let's Build Market Analysis Team w/ AI Agents


This project demonstrates how AI enables one-person businesses, allowing anyone to become an entrepreneur or solopreneur. By leveraging AI tools, we can now handle complex tasks that previously required multiple experts. This README guides you through setting up and running an AI-powered Market Analysis business that uses AI for property classification and management.

What's This Project About?

This project is a practical implementation of a one-person startup powered entirely by AI. It includes:

  1. A Streamlit-based frontend for a Market Analysis management website
  2. A Flask backend server that communicates with an AI model
  3. AI-powered property classification for categorizing listings
  4. A simple database system for storing property information

The project demonstrates how AI can automate tasks like property categorization, enabling efficient management of a Market Analysis business by a single person.

Why Use This Project?


The project consists of the following components:

  1. Frontend: Streamlit Web Application
  2. Backend: Flask Web Server with RESTful API
  3. Services: LLM Service for property classification, Database Service for data management
  4. External Components: Groq API for LLM model access
  5. Data Storage: JSON file (company_db.json)



  1. Virtual Environment Setup:

    • Create a dedicated virtual environment for our project:

      python -m venv Build_Market_Analysis_Team_w_AI_Agents
    • Activate the environment:

      • Windows:
      • Unix/macOS:
        source Build_Market_Analysis_Team_w_AI_Agents/bin/activate
  2. Install Project Dependencies:

    • Navigate to your project directory and install required packages using pip:

      cd path/to/your/project
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Setup Keys :

    • Obtain your Groq API key from Groq Console.
    • Set your key in the .env file as follows:

      SERPER_API_KEY=KEY #     
  4. Run the Market Analysis AI Application

    Finally, execute the following command to start the Market Analysis AI application:

    # Run UI
    streamlit run