This tool effortlessly scrapes and saves courses for offline use enabling you to
learn at your own pace, even without an internet connection.
I wholeheartedly welcome contributions from individuals in any capacity to enhance this project.
Thank you for your support!
I want to clarify that I am not accountable for any inappropriate use of this scraper.
I developed it solely for research purposes and take no responsibility for its misuse.
Repository Version: v3.8.0 (Recommended)
Master Branch: v3-master
1. Updates Information
- SandPack code container support added
- SingleFile injection script now uses single-file-cli logic instead of custom (v3.7.4)
- Injectes SingleFile through Local. Script faster by 10 seconds per topic, fixes Iframe (v3.7.3)
- AutoFixUrl and AutoResume were added (v3.6.5+)
* AutoFixUrl: The urls text file will be automatically updated based on the last topic URL from the Log File.
If a manual edit was done on the text file then consider unchecking this option.
* AutoResume (Recommended): Retries 3/4 times if there is any error occurs for a specific URL.
If it still fails, then consider checking the log for more details.
- Undetected driver replaced by SeleniumBase (Bypass Cloudflare Turnstile) (v3.5.7+)
- Run with --install arg again OR manually clean install (v3.5.7+)
- Delete the old UserDataDir (v3.5.5+)
- No existing Chrome browser should be running in the background (v3.4.2+)
- Redownload Chrome Binary and Chrome driver. (v3.4.2+)
- If Undetected/SeleniumBase does not work then UNCHECK and use default webdriver. (v3.4.2+)
2. Send a mail notification status, Setup here: /src/Main/
Python 3.12 or more
OS: Win(x86/x64) - Mac(ARM64/x64) - Linux(ARM64/x64)
git clone
cd educative.io_scraper
python --install
python --run
--install: Creates a virtual environment and installs the required dependencies.
--run: Activates the environment and starts the scraper. [Default = True]
--create: Creates a shortcut executable file linked to the scraper directory.
If the git repository is moved to a different location after creating
the executable then recreate it again to set the new repository path.
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv env <or> virtualenv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m venv env <or> virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a text file.
Copy the URLs of the first topic/lesson from any number of courses.
Paste all the URLs into the text file and save it.
Select a configuration if you prefer not to use the default configuration.
If you prefer not to display the browser window, choose the headless
Please provide a unique User Data Directory
name that the browser will use to store your current session. Ensure
that each instance
of the scraper has a distinct
User Data Directory name.
Please select the file path of the text file containing the course URLs, as well as the directory where you would like to save the downloaded content.
You can choose to save/export the current configuration for later use, or you can opt for the default configuration.
For the initial setup or updates, click on Download Chromedriver
and Download Chrome Binary
to automatically
Download them into the project directory.
If you intend to utilize proxies, simply enable the proxy option and enter the proxy in proxies box.
Click on Login Account
to log in to your account and click on Close Browser Button
to close the
browser after the login is completed.
Click on Start Scraper
to begin scraping the courses.
The scraper will automatically stop after scraping all the URLs in the selected text file.
If you decide to stop the scraper using the Stop Scraper Button
before it finishes or face any errors, the most
recent URL will be saved in the EducativeScraper.log
file. Simply copy the URL from the INFO logger and replace
the URL of the topic/lesson that has already been completed with the copied URL. This will allow you to resume the
scraper from where you left off.
An index is NOT
required in the URL's text file, Simply paste the URLs of the topic from which you
want to start/resume scraping.