anilhelvaci / agoric-sdk

monorepo for the Agoric Javascript smart contract platform
Apache License 2.0
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Agoric Platform SDK

This repository contains most of the packages that make up the upper layers of the Agoric platform, with the endo repository providing the lower layers. If you want to build on top of this platform, you don't need these repositories: instead you should follow our instructions for getting started with the Agoric SDK.

But if you are improving the platform itself, these are the repositories to use.


Any version of Yarn will do: the .yarnrc file should ensure that all commands use the specific checked-in version of Yarn (stored in .yarn/releases/), which we can update later with PRs in conjunction with any necessary compatibility fixes to our package.json files.

Building on Apple Silicon and Newer Architectures

Some dependencies may not be prebuilt for Apple Silicon and other newer architectures, so it may be necessary to build these dependencies from source and install that package’s native dependencies with your package manager (e.g. Homebrew).

Currently these dependencies are:

Additionally, if your package manager utilizes a non-standard include path, you may also need to export the following environment variable before running the commands in the Build section.

export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/homebrew/include

Finally, you will need the native build toolchain installed to build these items from source.

xcode-select --install


From a new checkout of this repository, run:

yarn install
yarn build

When the yarn install is done, the top-level node_modules/ will contain all the shared dependencies, and each subproject's node_modules/ should contain only the dependencies that are unique to that subproject (e.g. when the version installed at the top level does not meet the subproject's constraints). Our goal is to remove all the unique-to-a-subproject deps.

When one subproject depends upon another, node_modules/ will contain a symlink to the subproject (e.g. ERTP depends upon marshal, so node_modules/@endo/marshal is a symlink to packages/marshal).

Run yarn workspaces info to get a report on which subprojects (aka "workspaces") depend upon which others. The mismatchedWorkspaceDependencies section tells us when symlinks could not be used (generally because e.g. ERTP wants marshal@0.1.0, but packages/marshal/package.json says it's actually 0.2.0). We want to get rid of all mismatched dependencies.

The yarn build step generates kernel bundles.


To run all unit tests (in all packages):

To run the unit tests of just a single package (e.g. eventual-send):

Run the larger demo

Visit for getting started instructions.


Then browse to http://localhost:8000

Edit Loop

Doing a yarn build in zoe creates the "contract facet bundle", a single file that rolls up all the Zoe contract vat sources. This bundle file is needed by all zoe contracts before they can invoke zoe~.install(...). If you don't run yarn build, then changes to the Zoe contract facet will be ignored.

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