📢 Clip web contents to oneNote in a single click! AI summary
🔔 Top Features\ ✪ Save selected text, images and urls\ ✪ Automatically saves to OneNote\ ✪ Insert text & images by drag & drop\ ✪ Insert text & images by right-click menu\ ✪ Open multiple OneNote pages in side panel\ ✪ Capture screenshot\ ✪ Take full screenshot (coming soon)\ ✪ Persistent text Highlighter \ ✪ no tracking, no Ads
Pin OneClipper after install extension\ Click on OneClipper or (Alt + O ) to open OneClipper popup Window
Click on screenshot button for capture and save screenshot\ Use Keyboard shortcut (Alt + S)
When you clip selected text, selected text will highlighted automatically\ Click on Save Higlight button on right bottom corner to save highlight\ For disable highlight, Go to options page
Right click on selected content then hover over "clip to OneNote" option\ Select note from sub-menu list and selected content will insert into OneNote