Cryptographic operations using the devices Secure Environment (HSM,SE,etc.) locked behind biometric authentication
Currently Android API 30+ is supported and the minimum supported version of iOS for Expo.
key algorithm: Secp256r1
signature algorithm: ECDSA with SHA256
import { generateKeypair } from "@animo-id/expo-secure-environment";
const myId = "keypair-id";
// Make sure it is backed by biometrics
generateKeypair(myId, true);
Returns the compressed form of a P-256 public key (and not the DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
import {
} from "@animo-id/expo-secure-environment";
const myId = "keypair-id";
// Make sure it is backed by biometrics
generateKeypair(myId, true);
const publicBytes: Uint8Array = getPublicBytesForKeyId(myId);
Returns the raw signature (and not a DER-Encoded ECDA-Sig-Value)
import {
} from "@animo-id/expo-secure-environment";
const myId = "keypair-id";
// Make sure it is backed by biometrics
generateKeypair(myId, true);
// Make sure that when we sign we pass the third argument as true to indicate we would like to use biometrics
const signature = sign(myId, new Uint8Array(10).fill(7), true);