anirudhprabhakaran3 / chemvault

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This is the repository for ChemVault, the computational chemistry server for OpenChem.


You will need docker and docker compose installed on your system.

Steps to run

cp env.example .env
docker compose up

Environment Variables

The env.example file provides a set of example values. These will work, but since they are publically available, do not use these credentials on a production server.

ChemVault manages users using Fief. For generating your own set of credentials, you can run the following command:

docker run -it --rm fief quickstart --docker

This will generate a docker run command, that has all the corresponding entries for

For deployment, it is advised to set the ENVIRONMENT variable to production. All other values have been set to work with the project, so only change them if you are certain about what you are doing. Also, cross reference the Fief documentation, to make sure nothing breaks.