anismiles / websocket-android-phonegap

This is a Java library that implements Websockt API (Draft-75/76) for Android platform. Library uses java.nio.* packages for efficient non-blocking evented behavior. It easily gets integrated with Phonegap framework.
MIT License
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Note: this plugin will be added to Phonegap-android core very soon. :) Here is the forked project:

Websocket Android Plugin with Phonegap integration

This is a Java library that implements Websockt API (Draft-75/76) for Android platform. Library uses java.nio.* packages for efficient non-blocking evented behavior. It easily gets integrated with Phonegap framework too.

Usage (native Android)

  1. Copy Java source into your source folder.
  2. Create a class, say WebSocketListener extending WebSocket (refer: com.strumsoft.websocket.WebSocket)
  3. Implement following methods
    1. onOpen
    2. onClose
    3. onMessage
    4. onReconnect (WebSocketListener will try to reconnect to the server in case of connection failure)

Usage (Phonegap)

  1. Copy Java source into your source folder.

  2. Copy websocket.js in your assets/www/js folder

  3. Attach com.strumsoft.websocket.phonegap.WebSocketFactory to WebView, like this:

    @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); super.loadUrl(" file:///android_asset/www/index.html ");

    // attach websocket factory
    appView.addJavascriptInterface(new WebSocketFactory(appView), "WebSocketFactory");


  4. In your page, create a new WebSocket, and overload its method 'onmessage', 'onopen', 'onclose', like this:

    // new socket var socket = new WebSocket('ws://');

    // push a message after the connection is established. socket.onopen = function() { socket.send('{ "type": "join", "game_id": "game/6"}') };

    // alerts message pushed from server socket.onmessage = function(msg) { alert(JSON.stringify(; };

    // alert close event socket.onclose = function() { alert('closed'); };

ps: It doesn't support 'onerror' event, and various states as defined by WebSocket APIs yet. I am working on it. By the way, if you like the project, join the force.