anjoru / RUIZ-MADA-project

repository for MADA class project
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Most of the work associated with Part 3 is in the R/eda-code folder. it is still under development, as is the manuscript.

The file for Part 2 is located here:/R/processing-code/MADAproject_pt2_ruiz.qmd This file will contain all the material needed to reproduce the processing of the data and limited exploration described in the manuscript.

It will be updated with an index and short description of all the folders

here are the current folders with data:

/products/manuscript/Manuscript.qmd /RUIZ-MADA-project/R/processing-code This contains the code for cleaning and processing the data, will some exploration: MADAproject_pt2_ruiz.qmd /results/figures /results/tables /data/raw-data /data/processed-data R/eda-code this contains material associate with part 3 of the project. the folder is still under development and will be cleaned and refined once eda is complete.