ankandrew / fast-plate-ocr

Lightweight & fast OCR models for license plate text recognition.
MIT License
87 stars 16 forks source link
albumentations jax keras keras3 license-plate license-plate-check license-plate-ocr license-plate-reader license-plate-recognition ocr ocr-python onnx plate-ocr plate-recognition pytorch tensorflow

Fast & Lightweight License Plate OCR

Actions status Keras 3 image image Ruff Pylint Checked with mypy ONNX Model Hugging Face Spaces Documentation Status image



Lightweight and fast OCR models for license plate text recognition. You can train models from scratch or use the trained models for inference.

The idea is to use this after a plate object detector, since the OCR expects the cropped plates.


Available Models

Model Name Time b=1
Dataset Accuracy[2] Dataset
argentinian-plates-cnn-model 2.1 476 94.05% Non-synthetic, plates up to 2020.
argentinian-plates-cnn-synth-model 2.1 476 94.19% Plates up to 2020 + synthetic plates.
🆕 european-plates-mobile-vit-v2-model 2.9 344 - 92.5%[3] European plates (+40 countries).

[!TIP] Try fast-plate-ocr pre-trained models in Hugging Spaces.

[1] Inference on Mac M1 chip using CPUExecutionProvider. Utilizing CoreMLExecutionProvider accelerates speed by 5x in the CNN models.

_[2] Accuracy is what we refer as plateacc. See metrics section.

_[3] For detailed accuracy for each country see results and the corresponding val split used._

Reproduce results. * Calculate Inference Time: ```shell pip install fast_plate_ocr ``` ```python from fast_plate_ocr import ONNXPlateRecognizer m = ONNXPlateRecognizer("argentinian-plates-cnn-model") m.benchmark() ``` * Calculate Model accuracy: ```shell pip install fast-plate-ocr[train] curl -LO curl -LO curl -LO unzip fast_plate_ocr valid \ -m arg_cnn_ocr.keras \ --config-file arg_cnn_ocr_config.yaml \ --annotations benchmark/annotations.csv ```


For inference, install:

pip install fast_plate_ocr


To predict from disk image:

from fast_plate_ocr import ONNXPlateRecognizer

m = ONNXPlateRecognizer('argentinian-plates-cnn-model')
run demo ![Run demo](

To run model benchmark:

from fast_plate_ocr import ONNXPlateRecognizer

m = ONNXPlateRecognizer('argentinian-plates-cnn-model')
benchmark demo ![Benchmark demo](

Make sure to check out the docs for more information.



To train or use the CLI tool, you'll need to install:

pip install fast_plate_ocr[train]

Train Model

To train the model you will need:

  1. A configuration used for the OCR model. Depending on your use case, you might have more plate slots or different set of characters. Take a look at the config for Argentinian license plate as an example:

    # Config example for Argentinian License Plates
    # The old license plates contain 6 slots/characters (i.e. JUH697)
    # and new 'Mercosur' contain 7 slots/characters (i.e. AB123CD)
    # Max number of plate slots supported. This represents the number of model classification heads.
    max_plate_slots: 7
    # All the possible character set for the model output.
    alphabet: '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_'
    # Padding character for plates which length is smaller than MAX_PLATE_SLOTS. It should still be present in the alphabet.
    pad_char: '_'
    # Image height which is fed to the model.
    img_height: 70
    # Image width which is fed to the model.
    img_width: 140
  2. A labeled dataset, see for the expected data format.
  3. Run train script:
    # You can set the backend to either TensorFlow, JAX or PyTorch
    # (just make sure it is installed)
    KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow fast_plate_ocr train \
        --annotations path_to_the_train.csv \
        --val-annotations path_to_the_val.csv \
        --config-file config.yaml \
        --batch-size 128 \
        --epochs 750 \
        --dense \
        --early-stopping-patience 100 \
        --reduce-lr-patience 50

You will probably want to change the augmentation pipeline to apply to your dataset.

In order to do this define an Albumentations pipeline:

import albumentations as A

transform_pipeline = A.Compose(
        # ...
        A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.1, contrast_limit=0.1, p=1),
        A.MotionBlur(blur_limit=(3, 5), p=0.1),
        A.CoarseDropout(max_holes=10, max_height=4, max_width=4, p=0.3),
        # ... and any other augmentation ...

# Export to a file (this resultant YAML can be used by the train script), "./transform_pipeline.yaml", data_format="yaml")

And then you can train using the custom transformation pipeline with the --augmentation-path option.

Visualize Augmentation

It's useful to visualize the augmentation pipeline before training the model. This helps us to identify if we should apply more heavy augmentation or less, as it can hurt the model.

You might want to see the augmented image next to the original, to see how much it changed:

fast_plate_ocr visualize-augmentation \
    --img-dir benchmark/imgs \
    --columns 2 \
    --show-original \
    --augmentation-path '/transform_pipeline.yaml'

You will see something like:

Augmented Images

Validate Model

After finishing training you can validate the model on a labeled test dataset.


fast_plate_ocr valid \
    --model arg_cnn_ocr.keras \
    --config-file arg_plate_example.yaml \
    --annotations benchmark/annotations.csv

Visualize Predictions

Once you finish training your model, you can view the model predictions on raw data with:

fast_plate_ocr visualize-predictions \
    --model arg_cnn_ocr.keras \
    --img-dir benchmark/imgs \
    --config-file arg_cnn_ocr_config.yaml

You will see something like:

Visualize Predictions

Export as ONNX

Exporting the Keras model to ONNX format might be beneficial to speed-up inference time.

fast_plate_ocr export-onnx \
    --model arg_cnn_ocr.keras \
    --output-path arg_cnn_ocr.onnx \
    --opset 18 \
    --config-file arg_cnn_ocr_config.yaml

Keras Backend

To train the model, you can install the ML Framework you like the most. Keras 3 has support for TensorFlow, JAX and PyTorch backends.

To change the Keras backend you can either:

  1. Export KERAS_BACKEND environment variable, i.e. to use JAX for training:
    KERAS_BACKEND=jax fast_plate_ocr train --config-file ...
  2. Edit your local config file at ~/.keras/keras.json.

Note: You will probably need to install your desired framework for training.

Model Architecture

The current model architecture is quite simple but effective. See cnn_ocr_model for implementation details.

The model output consists of several heads. Each head represents the prediction of a character of the plate. If the plate consists of 7 characters at most (max_plate_slots=7), then the model would have 7 heads.

Example of Argentinian plates:

Model head

Each head will output a probability distribution over the vocabulary specified during training. So the output prediction for a single plate will be of shape (max_plate_slots, vocabulary_size).

Model Metrics

During training, you will see the following metrics


Contributions to the repo are greatly appreciated. Whether it's bug fixes, feature enhancements, or new models, your contributions are warmly welcomed.

To start contributing or to begin development, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone repo
    git clone
  2. Install all dependencies using Poetry:
    poetry install --all-extras
  3. To ensure your changes pass linting and tests before submitting a PR:
    make checks

If you want to train a model and share it, we'll add it to the HUB 🚀