anl-rtr / adder

The Advanced Dimensional Depletion for Engineering of Reactors (ADDER) Software
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Source Information card not read in as simulation setting #1

Open cdlawing2 opened 11 months ago

cdlawing2 commented 11 months ago

From mcnp/ we have that "si" is one of the SIM_SETTING_CARDS.

However, in mcnp/, the test for a SIM_SETTING_CARD is: if line.lower().startswith(key + " "):

Since SI cards have a number associated with them (i.e. si1, si2, etc.), they won't pass this check. Because of this, they are assigned to other_cards.

If using ADDER on an MCNP input that already uses SI cards, ADDER doesn't overwrite those cards, but instead creates a new card, so the input will have repeated SI cards which will cases a fatal error in MCNP.

This could be an issue in situations where ADDER is used alongside an automated input generation process that already uses SI cards.

A simple fix could be to add something like this to the same if statement referenced above (currently, line 193 in mcnp/

            elif key == 'si' and line.split()[0].strip('si')[-1][0].isdigit():
                found_it = True
vmascolino-anl commented 2 months ago

Hi, I apologize for noticing this issue so late. We will address it in either the next release (v.1.1.0) or an upcoming one soon after that (v.1.1.1).

In the meantime, can you send us sending your contact info to ? We normally send out bug notices out to users and want to make sure we are able to reach out to all users.

Thanks, Valerio