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The Advanced Dimensional Depletion for Engineering of Reactors (ADDER) Software
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================================================================== Advanced Dimensional Depletion for Engineering of Reactors (ADDER)

The Advanced Dimensional Depletion for Engineering of Reactors (ADDER) software is a flexible, performant, and modern fuel management and depletion tool. The target audience of this tool is first the Research and Test Reactor Program at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and, eventually, to experts outside of ANL. This report is the user guide for the software release referred to as ADDER v1.0.1.

This software is fundamentally an interface between the user, external neutron diffusion or transport theory solvers, and a depletion solver. The user will define the reactor with the necessary input to the neutron diffusion/transport solver, and ADDER will provide the user with the ability to deplete the reactor for a given power history, shuffle fuel in the core and load or remove fuel from the core, perform criticality searches, and stochastic volume computations. ADDER will eventually be able to perform other analyses necessary for the design of a reactor, such as branch calculations for multiple xenon conditions or operating temperatures.

The initial application of ADDER will be to utilize the MCNP6 (or MCNP5) software for neutron transport and either ORIGEN2 for depletion and decay functionality or an internal Chebyshev rational approximation method (CRAM) solver.

This README file provides a primer for the ADDER software. The complete software manual is located in the Documents folder of this repository. A list of known bugs is included in the main folder of the repository: users are encourage to read and understand this list before starting to use the software.

Installing ADDER

ADDER is written in the Python 3 programming language. It therefore requires that a Python 3.7-compatible interpreter be installed locally.

In addition to Python itself, ADDER relies on third-party packages. All prerequisites can be installed using Anaconda (recommended), Python's pip command, or through the package manager in most Linux distributions.

.. admonition:: Required :class: error

NumPy <>_ NumPy is used extensively within the ADDER for its powerful N-dimensional array.

SciPy <>_ SciPy's sparse linear algebra capabilities are used by ADDER's CRAM solver.

h5py <>_ h5py provides Python bindings to the HDF5-formatted Depletion data library. The h5py package is needed to provide access to data within these files from Python.

Configobj <>_ Configobj is a simple but powerful configuration file reader with syntax similar to the classic Windows .INI file format.

.. admonition:: Optional :class: note

pytest <>_ The pytest framework is used for unit testing the ADDER code.

pytest-cov <>_ The pytest-cov package is a plugin to pytest which reports code coverage of the ADDER test suite.

Matplotlib <>_ Matplotlib is used to plot certain results for testing purposes.

.. _Anaconda: .. _pip:

These prerequisites will be installed automatically from the pip repository when installing ADDER if they are not available already on the base Operating System or Anaconda environment.

The installation of ADDER is trivially performed by executing the following command from the root directory of the ADDER distribution/repository:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install .

To install ADDER for a single user, the following command should be executed by that user from the root directory of the ADDER distribution/repository:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install --user .

The ADDER executable, adder can now be executed in the working directory of interest.

.. note:: If the command to execute Python 3 on the installation system is python3 instead of python, then pip in the above installation steps should be replaced with pip3.

Executing ADDER

ADDER can be executed in whichever directory the user wishes. The simplest usage of ADDER includes providing one input argument, the name of the already-generated ADDER input file. The format of this input file is described in the Input File Format section. Input flags are discussed in the block below.

In addition to the ADDER input file, an HDF5_ file containing the depletion data library is utilized. The name of this file is specified by the :ref:depletion_library_file <depletion_library_file> parameter in the ADDER input file. The depletion data library file format is described in :ref:library_format.

When executed, ADDER creates the following output files:

  1. adder.log: This is a continually-updated log of all messages from ADDER. Most messages in this file are echoes of the same information displayed to screen, however the adder.log file also includes additional information such as the configuration settings after validation and initial processing.

  2. results.h5 or an output file name as described by the :ref:output_hdf5 <output_hdf5> parameter in the input file: This file contains all results from the execution including the material inventories at each state point, the neutronics solver output files, etc.

  3. Automatically-generated neutronics solver input and output files: ADDER leaves the neutronics solver input and output files generated during ADDER execution for easy verification and progress monitoring.

ADDER offers the following command line flags:

  1. -n or --no-deplete: This flag instructs ADDER to perform fuel management operations, but does not execute the neutronics or depletion solvers. This is used to produce typical fuel management output and logs which can be used to interrogate the names ADDER has applied to copied objects.

  2. -f or --fast-forward: This flag instructs ADDER to not execute neutronics calculations performed if the output files from previous ADDER runs are in the current working directory. When using this option, the user must be sure that the neutronics output files are consistent with the current case. Note that this only skips the neutronics calculations that are performed as part of deplete and geom_sweep operation blocks. This flag can be useful as a sort of restart capability, allowing the most costly computations to be skipped if they have already been performed in a previous ADDER execution.

  3. -h or --help: This flag prints the above options and descriptions.

Finally, when using depletion solvers that must be interacted with via textual input and output files (currently only ORIGEN2), these inputs and outputs will be placed according to the following hierarchical rules:

  1. The directory named by the TMPDIR environment variable.

  2. The directory named by the TEMP environment variable.

  3. The directory named by the TMP environment variable.

  4. A platform-specific location:

    a. On Windows, the directories C:\TEMP, C:\TMP, \TEMP, and \TMP, in that order.

    b. On all other platforms, the directories /tmp, /var/tmp, and /usr/tmp, in that order.

  5. As a last resort, the current working directory.

Understanding this hierarchy is useful for utilizing fast I/O resources such as RAM-based or local filesystems as available. It should be noted that if the depletion solver fails to execute, ADDER will copy the working directory to ADDER's main execution directory for later user inspection.

ADDER Data Sources

Depletion solvers require knowledge of the transmutation chain, the reaction rate cross-sections, decay rates, and branching ratios. These are all defined for ADDER in a depletion library HDF5 file (discussed in the Depletion Data Library section). This library can include either one-group or multigroup cross-section data. These cross-sections can either be used directly or the neutronics solver can be used to directly obtain the corresponding reaction rates in each depleting material. The former will lead to faster neutronics computations (with Monte Carlo solvers) while the latter will lead to a more accurate solution. This is controlled with the use_depletion_library_xs flag discussed later.

For simplicity of user input for feed and removal rates for molten-salt reactor (MSR) analyses, ADDER also uses isotopic natural abundances to expand user-provided elements. The natural abundances for this data are stored in the adder/ module. This data is sourced from the 2013 IUPAC_ Technical Report.

.. note:: If different natural abundance data is desired, the user must modify the adder/ file directly.

Next, atomic mass data is used internally by ADDER to convert any material concentrations provided in the neutronics input from weight percent to atom percent. This data is sourced directly from the adder/mass16.txt file. This file is an official ASCII reformatting of the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2016 (AME2016) data from the IAEA's Nuclear Data Service. The official file can be found at the mass16 reference. If the user wishes to modify this data, they simply need to modify/overwrite the adder/mass16.txt file.

.. note:: If different atomic mass data is desired, the user must modify the adder/mass16.txt file directly.

Utility Scripts

The ADDER software is distributed with a few utility scripts, included in the scripts folder:

Release Schedule

ADDER v.1.1.0 is currently scheduled to release at the end of August 2024. Dates are subject to change.


For inquiries about the ADDER software please reach out to our development team at Please contact us to be added to the list of known users and receive notifications concerning errors and bugs as they are discovered, as well as updates on new versions releases.

Citing ADDER

If you use ADDER for your work, please cite the following reference:

Anderson, K., Mascolino, V., and Nelson, A. G.. 2022. "User Guide to the Advanced Dimensional Depletion for Engineering of Reactors (ADDER) Software". United States.


.. _ORIGEN2:

A.G. Croff, A User's Manual for the ORIGEN2 Computer Code, ORNL/TM-7175, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA (1980).

.. _MCNP6:

C.J. Werner (editor), "MCNP User's Manual - Code Version 6.2", LA-UR-17-19981, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA (2017).

.. _MCNP5:

X-5 Monte Carlo Team, MCNP – A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, Volume I (LA-UR-03-1987), Volume II (LA-CP-03-0245), Volume III (LA-CP-03-0284), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA (2003).

.. _CRAM:

M. Pusa, "Higher-Order Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method and Application to Burnup Equations", Nucl. Sci. Eng., 182:3, 297-318 (2016).

.. _IUPAC:

J. Meija, et al., “Isotopic Compositions of the Elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)”, Pure Appl. Chem., 88:3, 293-306 (2016).

.. _AME2016:

W.J. Huang, G. Audi, M. Wang, F.G. Kondev, S. Naimi and X. Xu, “The AME2016 Atomic Mass Evaluation (I)”, Chinese Physics C, 41:3 03002 (2017)..

.. _mass16:

.. _HDF5: