anna-pa-m / Metabolic-EP

Code and data for analysis of metabolic networks
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Expectation Propagation algorithm for metabolic networks

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Alfredo Braunstein, Anna Paola Muntoni and Andrea Pagnani


This is an implementation of the Expectation Propagation algorithm for studying the space of solution of constrained metabolic fluxes. The main outputs of the m-function are the means and the variances of truncated Gaussian distributions that approximate the marginal probability density of observing a flux, given a stoichiometric matrix and a measure of the intakes/uptakes. This is part of the work:

"An analytic approximation of the feasible space of metabolic networks" - A. Braunstein, A. Muntoni, A. Pagnani - Nature Communications 8, Article number: 14915 (2017) - doi:10.1038/ncomms14915

There are two implementations: one in matlab (under folder matlab), the second in Julia.

Matlab Version


Input (optional) to fix an experimental profile


Julia Version

Installing the package. Enter ] and then:

   (v.1.x)> add
   julia> using MetabolicEP

Otherwise, if you do not want to use the package manager:

It works with version >= 1.5.

Typical usage is

julia> res=metabolicEP(S,b,numin,numax)

The output in res is of type `EPout: there are several fields:

Input (required)

Input (optional argument).

COBRA compatibility

We developed a COBRA compatibility so that now models can be loaded with the COBRA.loadModel() utility metabolicEP can be also run passing a LPproblem type as returned by loadModel.

COBRA has not yet been updated to julia v1.0. For this reason the compatibility has been temporarily removed.

Reading matlab metabolic reconstruction (.mat files)

There is a small convenience reader for metabolic reconstructions in matlab format (.mat). It can be invoked as:

julia> met=ReadMatrix("nomefile.mat")

The output met is of type MetNet whose fields are:

Test model (in folder data): iJR904 model for Escherichia Coli.