annepinson / free-pizza

Wanna get a free pizza ? Follow the road
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Wanna get a free pizza ? Follow the road

Necessary setup

You should have installed: - vim - neovim >=v.0.6

In order to be able to have you own color theme, please place all your theme configuration in a file ~/.config/nvim/colorconfig.vim which is sourced in the init.vim.

Apply configuration

Once you've cloned the repo, you can easily apply all the config through the script It will replace your files: - ~/.config/nvim/init.vim - ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json - ~/.config/nvim/myinit.lua - ~/.vimrc

You just have to run:

bash ./

It can also replace your file colorconfig.vim, if you run:

bash ./ -c

Moreover it create backup file for you current config, and you can restore your last configuration by running:

bash ./ -run

New commands reminder

Comment code

In normal mode: ,cc comment a line or a block ,cu uncomment a line or a block

In .vimrc

Navigation between windows

In normal/insert mode <C-Up/Down/Left/Right> to pass from a window to another window

to close a window ## Coc diagnostics These diagnostics originate from coc and the associated language server In normal mode: `dn` to go to the next diagnostic `dp` to go to th previous diagnostic ## Git rebase interactve In normal mode `ed` to replace the `pick` on the line by an `edit` `sa` to replace by a `squash` `de` to replace by a `drop` `re` to replace by a `replace` ## Search patterns In normal mode `fr` to search all occurences of the word you are on `fs` to replace all occurences of the word you are on, by creating a `%s/patern//g` to complete `fc` to remove the highlights due to a search ## Selection In normal mode `aw` to select a word ## Telescope pickers In normal mode `` to open the find_files picker, which will search by files name `` to open the live_grep picker, which will search in the files content. If you have a selection, it will be grepped. `` to open the grep_string picker, which will search the word you're on in the files content `` to open the git_status picker `` to open the git_stash picker `` to open the git_commmits picker `` to open the buffers picker ## Go to definition - `gs` on a variable open an horizontal split with the variable definition - `gd`on a variable open a vertical split with the variable definition - `gt` on a variable open a new tab with the variable definition - `gr` on a variable declaration to see all its references through the workspace ## Replace in all files `` open a new buffer with all places the variable is used, in order to replace it everywhere