anotherjesse / r8im

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This is a suite of assorted tools for inspecting and manipulating docker and OCI images for machine learning workloads.


Many subcommands take some or all of the following options:


Add a new layer to an existing image, without changing any of the existing layers.

r8im affix --base <base-image> --dest <destination-image> --tar <layer-tar-file>

CAUTION: affix can result in broken images. Because you aren't building an image using a traditional build process, there's no guarantees that dependencies will work correctly after manipulating an image.


Extract weights from an image.

r8im extract <image> [--output file]

If --output is unspecified, weights are emitted to stdout.

Image layers are detected by searching any layer whose command ends with # weights or starts with COPY . /src, and within those layers looking for appropriate files in src/weights.


Summarize layers of an image.

r8im layers <image>


Remix layers of an existing image. Takes one model image, and extracts weights from a second image, combining them together into a new image.

r8im remix --base <image-including-tag> --weights <image-including-tag> --dest <image-dest>

CAUTION: remix can result in broken images. Because you aren't building an image using a traditional build process, there's no guarantees that dependencies will work correctly after manipulating an image.


Recompress the layers of an image using zstd.

r8im zstd <image> <dest>