anp / cue

Simple parallel pipeline for long tasks in Rust.
MIT License
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cue is a very basic library for providing a "streaming" parallel pipeline for long-running tasks which need to limit memory usage. It's specifically intended for scenarios where:

In writing some long-running CLI tools, I found myself using a pattern for this frequently enough that I put it in a library.


Here's a basic usage example. This will:

  1. Spin up a threadpool of scoped threads (no need for Arc<T>).
  2. Submit all of the items from the iterator to the worker pool, blocking on submissions which would overfill the work queue's small-ish buffer.
  3. In parallel, remove each work item from the queue, process it with the worker closure, and submit it to the lock-free "results" queue.
  4. The joiner closure will be applied to every item in the results queue, serializing/joining the results.
  5. Logging: the debug! log macro will be invoked every 10,000 work items that are processed (this can be disabled -- see Cargo.toml for features).
extern crate cue;

fn main() {
    cue::pipeline("demo", // naming the pipeline allows for better logging if multiple are running

                  // number of worker threads needed, result thread will be spun up in addition

                  // an iterator which yields items of the desired work type -- should be lazy
                  // otherwise it doesn't make much sense to use a bounded work queue

                  // item must match the Item type of the iterator above
                  |item| { do_super_duper_expensive_task_which_returns_result(item) },

                  // r here must match the return type of the worker closure
                  |r| { write_result_to_disk_which_may_take_a_while(r); });

    println!("Done! The work has been processed in parallel.");

For an example, see the test in src/ For documentation, see the currently somewhat sparse API docs.
