A project that visualizes most frequent plot keywords in movies from TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset on Kaggle.
Deployed on github pages at https://anqi-lu.github.io/TMDB-keywords/.
The TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset contains information for about 5000 movies from The Movie Database(TMDB), a crowd-sourced movie information database. The movie information includes movie genres, country, actors, directors, plot keywords, gross profit, and much more.
The first visualization I made on this dataset was a donut chart, illustrating the number of movies by country. It shows the which countries are the movies from. Because TMDB is built entirely by the user so there could be a lot of bias in the data (Most movies are from western countries). Therefore, I decided that I was not going to do much with the “country” attribute of the data. Instead, I decided to focus on the “plot_keywords”, “genres”, and “year”.
The questions about this dataset became:
According to the questions, I listed the following tasks:
Source of Inspiration: 60 years of french first names and stream-graph explorer
This sketch brings the additional tasks:
This D3.js web project is forked from curran's this template project.