This collection includes Ansible core modules, network resource modules, and plugins needed to provision and manage Dell EMC PowerSwitch platforms running Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Dell Technologies. Sample playbooks and documentation are also included to show how the collection can be used.
The SONiC Ansible collection supports network_cli and httpapi connections.
CLICONF plugin
Name | Description |
network_cli | Use Ansible CLICONF to run commands on Enterprise SONiC |
HTTPAPI plugin
Name | Description |
httpapi | Use Ansible HTTPAPI to run commands on Enterprise SONiC |
Name | Description | Connection type |
sonic_command | Run commands through the Management Framework CLI | network_cli |
sonic_config | Manage configuration through the Management Framework CLI | network_cli |
sonic_api | Perform REST operations through the Management Framework REST API | httpapi |
Listed are the SONiC Ansible network resource modules which need httpapi as the connection type. Supported operations are merged, deleted, replaced and overridden.
Name | Description |
sonic_aaa | Manage AAA and its parameters |
sonic_acl_interfaces | Manage access control list (ACL) to interface binding |
sonic_bfd | Manage BFD configuration |
sonic_bgp | Manage global BGP and its parameters |
sonic_bgp_af | Manage global BGP address-family and its parameters |
sonic_bgp_as_paths | Manage BGP autonomous system path (or as-path-list) and its parameters |
sonic_bgp_communities | Manage BGP community and its parameters |
sonic_bgp_ext_communities | Manage BGP extended community-list and its parameters |
sonic_bgp_neighbors | Manage a BGP neighbor and its parameters |
sonic_bgp_neighbors_af | Manage the BGP neighbor address-family and its parameters |
sonic_copp | Manage CoPP configuration |
sonic_dhcp_relay | Manage DHCP and DHCPv6 relay configurations |
sonic_dhcp_snooping | Manage DHCP Snooping |
sonic_fips | Manage FIPS configurations |
sonic_image_management | Manage installation of Enterprise SONiC image, software patch and firmware updater. |
sonic_interfaces | Configure Interface attributes |
sonic_ip_neighbor | Manage IP neighbor global configuration |
sonic_l2_acls | Manage Layer 2 access control lists (ACL) configurations |
sonic_l2_interfaces | Configure interface-to-VLAN association |
sonic_l3_acls | Manage Layer 3 access control lists (ACL) configurations |
sonic_l3_interfaces | Configure the IPv4 and IPv6 parameters on Interfaces |
sonic_lag_interfaces | Manage link aggregation group (LAG) interface parameters |
sonic_ldap | Configure global LDAP server settings |
sonic_lldp_global | Manage Global LLDP configurations |
sonic_lldp_interfaces | Manage interface LLDP configurations |
sonic_logging | Manage logging configuration |
sonic_login_lockout | Manage Global Login Lockout configuration |
sonic_mac | Manage MAC configuration |
sonic_mclag | Manage multi chassis link aggregation groups domain (MCLAG) and its parameters |
sonic_mgmt_servers | Manage management servers configuration |
sonic_ntp | Manage NTP configuration |
sonic_ospf_area | Configure OSPF area setting |
sonic_ospfv2 | Configure global OSPFv2 protocol settings |
sonic_ospfv2_interfaces | Configure OSPFv2 interface mode protocol settings |
sonic_pim_global | Manage global PIM configuration |
sonic_pim_interfaces | Manage interface-specific PIM configurations |
sonic_pki | Manages PKI attributes |
sonic_poe | Manage Power over Ethernet PoE configuration |
sonic_port_breakout | Configure port breakout settings on physical interfaces |
sonic_port_group | Manage port group configuration |
sonic_prefix_lists | Manage prefix list configuration |
sonic_qos_buffer | Manage QoS buffer configuration |
sonic_qos_interfaces | Manage QoS interfaces configuration |
sonic_qos_maps | Manage QoS maps configuration |
sonic_qos_pfc | Manage QoS PFC configuration |
sonic_qos_scheduler | Manage QoS scheduler configuration |
sonic_qos_wred | Manage QoS WRED profiles configuration |
sonic_radius_server | Manage RADIUS server and its parameters |
sonic_roce | Manage RoCE QoS configuration |
sonic_route_maps | Manage route map configuration |
sonic_sflow | Manage sflow configuration settings |
sonic_ssh | Manage SSH configuration settings |
sonic_static_routes | Manage static routes configuration |
sonic_stp | Manage STP configuration |
sonic_system | Configure system parameters |
sonic_tacacs_server | Manage TACACS server and its parameters |
sonic_users | Manage users and its parameters |
sonic_vlan_mapping | Configure vlan mappings |
sonic_vlans | Manage VLAN and its parameters |
sonic_vrfs | Manage VRFs and associate VRFs to interfaces |
sonic_vrrp | Manage VRRP protocol configuration settings |
sonic_vxlans | Manage VxLAN EVPN and its parameters |
The playbooks directory includes this sample playbook that show end-to-end use cases.
Name | Description |
BGP Layer 3 fabric | Example playbook to build a Layer 3 leaf-spine fabric |
NOTE: Community SONiC versions that include the Management Framework container should work as well, however, this collection has not been tested nor validated with community versions and is not supported.
pip3 install paramiko>=2.7
pip3 install jinja2>=2.8
pip3 install ansible-core
pip3 install paramiko>=2.7
pip3 install jinja2>=2.8
pip3 install ansible-base
pip3 install paramiko>=2.7
pip3 install jinja2>=2.8
pip3 install ansible
To use the Enterprise SONiC collection in Ansible 2.9, it is required to add one of the two available environment variables.
Option 1: Add the environment variable while running the playbook.
ANSIBLE_NETWORK_GROUP_MODULES=sonic ansible-playbook sample_playbook.yaml -i inventory.ini
Option 2: Add the environment variable in user profile.
Install the latest version of the Enterprise SONiC collection from Ansible Galaxy.
ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.enterprise_sonic
To install a specific version, specify a version range identifier. For example, to install the most recent version that is greater than or equal to 1.0.0 and less than 2.0.0.
ansible-galaxy collection install 'dellemc.enterprise_sonic:>=1.0.0,<2.0.0'
VLAN configuration using CLICONF
- name: SONiC Management Framework CLI configuration examples
hosts: sonic_switches
gather_facts: no
connection: network_cli
- name: Add VLAN entry
commands: ['interface Vlan 700','exit']
save: yes
register: config_op
- name: Test SONiC single command
commands: 'show vlan'
register: cmd_op
VLAN configuration using HTTPAPI
- name: SONiC Management Framework REST API examples
hosts: sonic_switches
gather_facts: no
connection: httpapi
- name: Perform PUT operation to add a VLAN network instance
url: data/openconfig-network-instance:network-instances/network-instance=Vlan100
method: "PUT"
body: {"openconfig-network-instance:network-instance": [{"name": "Vlan100","config": {"name": "Vlan100"}}]}
status_code: 204
- name: Perform GET operation to view VLAN network instance
url: data/openconfig-network-instance:network-instances/network-instance=Vlan100
method: "GET"
status_code: 200
register: api_op
Configuration using network resource modules
- name: VLANs, Layer 2 and Layer 3 interfaces configuration using Enterprise SONiC resource modules
hosts: sonic_switches
gather_facts: no
connection: httpapi
- name: Configure VLANs
- vlan_id: 701
- vlan_id: 702
- vlan_id: 703
- vlan_id: 704
state: merged
register: sonic_vlans_output
- name: Configure Layer 2 interfaces
- name: Eth1/2
vlan: 701
- vlan: 702
- vlan: 703
state: merged
register: sonic_l2_interfaces_output
- name: Configure Layer 3 interfaces
- name: Eth1/3
- address:
- address: 3333::1/16
state: merged
register: sonic_l3_interfaces_output
hostname: sonic_sw1
# Common parameters for connection type httpapi or network_cli:
ansible_user: xxxx
ansible_password: xxxx
ansible_network_os: dellemc.enterprise_sonic.sonic
# Additional parameters for connection type httpapi:
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
sonic_sw1 ansible_host=
sonic_sw2 ansible_host=
This collection follows Semantic Versioning. More details on versioning can be found in the Ansible docs.
We plan to regularly release new minor or bugfix versions once new features or bugfixes have been implemented.
Enterprise SONiC Ansible Modules deprecation cycle is aligned with Ansible.
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