ansible-community / molecule-hetznercloud

A molecule driver for Hetzner Cloud
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
27 stars 14 forks source link
ansible hetzner hetzner-cloud molecule molecule-driver

Molecule Hetzner Cloud Driver

PyPI Package Codecov License

A Hetzner Cloud driver for Molecule.

This plugin allows you to use on-demand Hetzner Cloud servers for your molecule integration tests.


$ pip install molecule-hetznercloud


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

$ pip install --upgrade molecule-hetznercloud

Upgrading to v2

-  name: hetznercloud
+  name: molecule_hetznercloud
   - name: instance-1
     image: debian-12
-     - size: 20
+     - name: volume-1
+       size: 20
   - name: instance-1
     image: debian-12
-    server_type: cx22


To communicate with the Hetzner Cloud API, you need to expose a HCLOUD_TOKEN environment variable. Find out more about how to get a Hetzner Cloud API token in the authentication documentation.

$ export HCLOUD_TOKEN="set_the_hcloud_token_here"

Then setup a new molecule scenario using the driver plugin.

$ molecule init scenario --driver-name molecule_hetznercloud

[!WARNING] With molecule 6, the molecule init scenario command dropped support for driver provided configuration. If you are using molecule >=6, please copy the example below and paste it in your scenario molecule.yml file. See this commit for details.

Your molecule/default/molecule.yml should then look like the following.

  name: molecule_hetznercloud
  - # Name of the Server to create (must be unique per Project and a valid hostname as per RFC 1123).
    # required
    name: instance-1
    # Name of the Image the Server is created from.
    # required
    image: debian-12
    # Name of the Server type this Server should be created with.
    # default: cx22
    server_type: cx22
    # Name of Location to create Server in (must not be used together with datacenter).
    # default: omit
    location: hel1
    # Name of Datacenter to create Server in (must not be used together with location).
    # default: omit
    datacenter: null
    # Cloud-Init user data to use during Server creation. This field is limited to 32KiB.
    # default: omit
    user_data: null

    # List of volumes to attach to the server.
      - # Name of the volume.
        # required
        name: volume-1
        # Size of the Volume in GB.
        # default: 10
        size: 10

    # Dictionary of private networks the server should be attached to.
      # Name of the network
        # IP range of the whole network which must span all included subnets. Must be one of the private IPv4 ranges of RFC1918.
        # If multiple hosts using the same network, you may only define it once.
        # required
          # IP to assign to the server.
          # required
          # Type of subnetwork.
          # default: cloud
          type: cloud
          # Name of network zone.
          # default: eu-central
          network_zone: eu-central

[!NOTE] The networks.ip_range is important for creating. If you have multiple hosts, you may only define it once.

[!NOTE] You may list the server types and available images using the hcloud command line tool:

# List server types
$ hcloud server-type list --sort name
# List images for the x86 architecture
$ hcloud image list --type system --architecture x86 --sort name

Then test your role.

$ molecule test

To ease initial debugging for getting things started, also expose the following environment variables.

$ export MOLECULE_NO_LOG=False  # not so verbose, helpful
$ export MOLECULE_DEBUG=True  # very verbose, last ditch effort

You may also define a custom resource namespace by exposing the following environment variables, for example in CI workflows:

$ export RESOURCE_NAMESPACE=e121dc64ff615ccdfac71bb5c00296b9 # Ensure the value length is <= 32



Run unit tests:

make test

Run integration tests

export HCLOUD_TOKEN="set_the_hcloud_token_here"
make integration


The project was initially maintained by @decentral1se. After a long period looking for new maintainers, the project was archived in early 2023.

In September 2023, the code has been rewritten by @jooola and the project was reactivated to continue development.


The LGPLv3 license.