This base image for a Service Bundle uses a provided helm chart to provision or deprovision a service.
The easiest option is to use the helm2bundle tool, which utilizes this base image.
Create a new Dockerfile for your service bundle using the content below. Change the name of the chart archive as appropriate. Do not change the destination filename.
FROM ansibleplaybookbundle/helm-bundle-base
LABEL "com.redhat.apb.spec"=\
COPY redis-1.1.12.tgz /opt/chart.tgz
Copy apb.yml.example to $YOUR_BUNDLE_PATH/apb.yml and modify values as you see fit.
Build and and push the image like a normal service bundle.
Tiller is optional. If tiller is deployed in the target namespace, it will be used to do the provision.
If tiller is not found, helm template
will be used to create a manifest,
which will be passed into kubectl create