ant-design / pro-chat

🤖 Components Library for Quickly Building LLM Chat Interfaces.
MIT License
586 stars 72 forks source link
ant-design chat chatbot pro-components pro-editor react


Components Library for Quickly Building LLM Chat Interfaces. [![][npm-release-shield]][npm-release-link] [![][npm-downloads-shield]][npm-downloads-link] [![][github-releasedate-shield]][github-releasedate-link] [![][github-action-test-shield]][github-action-test-link] [![][github-action-release-shield]][github-action-release-link] [![][codecov-shield]][codecov-link]
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Table of contents #### TOC - [📦 Installation](#-installation) - [Compile with Next.js](#compile-with-nextjs) - [🔨 Usage](#-usage) - [✨ Features](#-features) - [👀 Showcase](#-showcase) - [🖥 Browser compatibility](#-browser-compatibility) - [⌨️ Local Development](#️-local-development) - [🤝 Contributing](#-contributing) - [🛣️ Ecosystem](#️-ecosystem) ####

📦 Installation


This package is ESM only.

To install @ant-design/pro-chat, run the following command:

$ pnpm install @ant-design/pro-chat

This project is based on antd antd-style, so if you have not installed these two dependencies, please install them.

$ pnpm install antd-style // peerDependencies
$ pnpm install antd // peerDependencies

Compile with Next.js


By work correct with Next.js SSR, add transpilePackages: ['@ant-design/pro-chat'] to next.config.js. For example:

const nextConfig = {
  transpilePackages: [


If you are using a new version of NextJs (higher than 14), you no longer need to configure transpilePackages to run in NextJs.

🔨 Usage

import { ProChat } from '@ant-design/pro-chat';

export default () => (
    request={async (messages) => {
      // Send a request with Message as the parameter
      return Message; // Supports both streaming and non-streaming

✨ Features


ProChat focuses on quickly setting up a large language model chat dialogue framework. It aims to empower developers to easily create rich, dynamic, and intuitive chat interfaces.

Framework and Solutions for Chat Interface Components:

Design Evolution / In Progress

👀 Showcase

Let's showcase some of ProChat's signature features:

Streamlined Dialogue Content Editor
Engage in Streamlined Conversations that flow as naturally as a river Refine, reshape, and perfect your dialogue with tools that allow for real-time edits.
Integrated Render
Dive into the vivid world of chat with our Built-in Render, a tool designed to bring text to life.

🖥 Browser compatibility


edge Edge chrome safari electron_48x48
Edge last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions

⌨️ Local Development

You can use Github Codespaces for online development:

Or clone it for local development:

$ git clone
$ cd pro-chat
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm dev

🤝 Contributing


Join our collaborative ecosystem. Your contributions are the heartbeat of our project. Here's how you can be an integral part of our vibrant community:

Every contribution, big or small, is celebrated. Join us in our mission to refine and elevate the world of open-source enterprise UI components. 😃

🛣️ Ecosystem

📝 License

Copyright © 2023 - present AFX & Ant Digital.
This project is MIT licensed.