antarestrader / sapphire

The Sapphire Programming Language [WIP]
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Saphire - A High Level Concurent Dynamic Language


Sapphire (a kind of Ruby, pun intended) is an experimental new programming language that aims to meld the expressive syntax of Ruby with the parallel process model of Erlang. Best of class concepts from other languages are also mixed in.

Sapphire is currently in the development stages for a proof-of-concept program. There are no firm plans to take this language to a production state. It should instead be understood as a cool experimental toy. (Don't bet your start-up on me!)

Main Idea

The driving concept behind Sapphire is to take Ruby's everything-is-an-object paradigm and make every object a process with a message queue in the style of Erlang. In reality one process per object is too many, so the engineering compromise is to say every object can be a process, and every process is an object.

To make this work, we require (semantically[^practice]) that processes have fully independent data. If two object want to share data with each other they have two choices. One is to copy the data from one to the other. This lets one object know something about the state of another object when the request was made. If two objects which to share and update the same piece of data they must first turn that data into a process that they both read form and write to. In effect the shared process-object works as a semaphore for the shared data.

Concurrent Parsing

Sapphire aims to make extensive use of concurrent computations. To that end the parser is designed to be lazy and concurrent. Each module and class is interpreted concurrently.

The indentation rules are run by a line scanner that is fast, brutish and dumb. Its world consists of spaces (U+0020) new lines (U+000a) and everything else. It produces blocks and lines. A block is a list of lines at the same level of indentation. A line is all characters between the first non-space character and a new line character plus a block of all lines following whose indentation is strictly greater then the leading line. Lines consisting only of spaces and a new line character are ignored. All Sapphire statements must be on one line (which includes the block that follows it).

The line scanner knows nothing of the grammar it scans, nothing can break the rules. Comments, string literals and the like all must obey the rules. The benefit of this thuggish line scanner is that we can quickly determine the full extent of a class, module, or function. All fit on a single line and the block which follows.

This also makes it very simple to embed independent syntactical structures into Sapphire. The line scanner pulls off the demarcating spaces and returns rest of the syntax intact. There is no possibility of a end tag collision

We use parsec, a monadic parser combinator to parse Sapphire. The concurrent parsing helps to offset the penalty in raw speed, while the flexibility allows for parsing to be a built in language feature.


Sapphire is written in Haskell. The goal is to create an Interpreted language backed up with JIT LLVM compilation for common functions. A stretch goal is to make a broad subset of Sapphire compile to stand-alone executables and then to become self-hosting


this is a work in progress

Blocks and Lines:

A block is a list of lines at the same indentation level. A line is the text from the first non-space character to the end of the line plus the block of lines the follow immediately and are more indented then the line.

Comments and Processor controls:

The character # is the process control character. It introduces syntax which is intended for the interpreter/compiler is not part of the semantics of the program. If the # is followed by a space or any character other then the ones listed below then it is introducing a standard comment. All text to the next new line is ignored unless the # is the first character of a line[^line] then the entire line, including any block which follows, is ignored.

The symbol #@ introduces a documentation comment. These comments belong to the context of the line to which their block belongs (or the file if at top level) and are parsed by a special documentation parser. The text is stored with the class, module or function and can be accessed at runtime unless it has been stripped. This is specifically intended to allow libraries to be discovered from a REPL.

The symbol #$ introduces instructions for the compiler or interpreter. For example, these could enable non-standard language features similar to the function of Haskell's Pragmas construct {-# ... #-}, request or inhibit the JITing if a function or class, or some aspect of the process model.


Like in Ruby, everything in Sapphire is an object, and every object is an instance of a class. The keyword class introduces code for a class. Classes are a special case of objects which must be an independent process. Classes may have a name which by convention should have initial caps. Unlike Ruby this is a convention only. Classes are first class values and as such my be placed in any legal variable in any context. If a name is given after the class declaration it is assumed to be in the context of the containing module, or at global scope if at the top level.

The block which follows is executed in the classes context. If the class does not exist it is created. If it does it is reopened.

Every class has a super class. If none is specified Object a built-in super class is used. Super classes are specified with the reserve operator <- after the class name. If the object after the <- is not an ancestor of Class then a new class is created with the object's original class as a super class, and the object becomes an instance of the new class. This last form allows the programmer to give special functionality to a single instance.


Modules, introduced with the key word module form separate name spaces. Modules are hierarchical, and by default a new module will be place in the name space of the enclosing module. Per our rules, because each module is shared by all the object in it, each module is an independent process.

Scope Operator:

The scope operator is ::. It allows access to scopes other then the current one. Contexts are named from the outside in. If the first named context is found in the current scope then it is used. If it is not, successively higher contexts are used until one is found. Begining a variable name with :: begins immediately searching the highest available (Global) scope.


Before executing the interpreter or runtime sets up a standard configuration of classes including Object, Class, and Module as well as the classes for all the literals found in Sapphire: String, Number, Symbol, etc


When a class or module is frozen it is a binding promise that it will not be modified for the remainder of the run. It allows optimizations that make method calls in particular much faster because they can be cached at the object level.

This means that classes and modules can no longer be reopened (though they may be instantiated and sub classed). Any object may be frozen by calling Object::freeze, a special function intended for the purpose.

A class or module may also invoke the freezable method which simply marks the object complete according to its original designer, but still allows set-up code to make modifications (monkey patching) before the final freeze. The compile function then freezes all classes and modules marked as freezable.

There is no thaw. Other objects will immediately begin to depend on the immutability of frozen object.

We believe that any completely frozen module should be fully compiliable to LLVM. If the executed file can be frozen as well then it should be possible to create a stand alone executable.

[^practice]: As implemented, we use immutable memory and a copy-on-write scheme which we get for free with Haskell

[^line]: Remember a line begins at the first non-space character