antijob / neuro-parser

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Neural Parser

A neural parser is a tool for parsing and analyzing news and content to search for incidents related to a specific topic.


Managing Python Packages

For managing Python packages, we use PDM:

# install all locked packages from lock file
pdm install

# resolve all dependencies and lock packages to lock file
pdm lock

# update all packages 
pdm update

# add new package to pyproject.toml without create venv
pdm add --no-sync <package_name>

git should contain both pyproject.toml and pdm.lock files

Running local

Firstly create .env from .env.template and create database.

Run docker-compose up -d inside root directory for start local container.

Add for you /etc/hosts file record which resolve domain for local traefik report.local

Open admin panel in http://report.local/s/ecret/admin

Or use api http://report.local/api

Running production

Firstly modify config/.env, create database.

Run docker-compose -f up -d inside root directory for start local container.


We welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow the guidelines in the file.


If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact us at

Telegram bot

You can use telegram bot to receive notifications about new incidents.


To install it you need to register new bot with BotFather Then add settings to .env file


Then you need to create new telegram chat and add bot there. That's all bot remember that group and will send notifications there. If you want receive notifications only for some of existing categories use command /categ for bot settings. Also you can go to Django admin and check Bot section to explore channels that are saved.

Message Broadcasting Functionality

This project includes a feature that allows administrators to broadcast messages to multiple channels via the Django admin panel.

How to Use

1. Selecting Channels

  1. Navigate to the Django admin panel of your project.
  2. Open the list of channels (Channel).
  3. Select the channels to which you want to send a message.

2. Using the Broadcast Function

  1. After selecting the channels, choose the action "Send message to selected channels" from the actions dropdown menu.
  2. Click the "Apply" button.
  3. On the new page, enter the message text and confirm the selected channels.
  4. Click the button to send the message.

3. Message Handling

Thank you for your contributions to the Neural Parser project!

Model api

For external api using as a cheap alternative to chatgpt.

API для внешних моделей

Для обращения используется сервис он сильно дешевле chatGPT.