antillas21 / andrebadi

Sample app for playing with Rails and Backbone
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About SaleTrackr

This is a sample app that will be used (for real) to track:

for a hobby job that my wife has.

Reasons for this app

Developer Setup

For Linux/Ubuntu

For a successful bundle install, you'll need to sudo apt-get install libpq-dev.

$ bundle install

# give a password to the main db user

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# \password postgres

# create a superadmin user for easier testing

$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser sale_trackr
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password sale_trackr

* uncomment `listen_addresses = 'localhost'` in `postgresql.conf`

$ rake db:setup


How it works

The application has an API to let you build your own client and use the application. Just point all your requests to the /api namespace and you'll be good to go. Example:

Note: The API requires a user token to validate requests. Examples using the authentication token.

Once a user exists, a unique authentication token is generated. All data requests to the API should use the token.

All data responses are scoped to the authentication token owner. That is, users don't have access to overall and other users data and related models.

The front-end code of the app, actually uses the API to retrieve all data presented to the user. This way we ensure that any data that can be displayed to the application user in a browser is also available to API clients.

Sign up


curl -X POST --data "user[email][password]=password" \n


Customers are scoped to the user account making the request.

List all customers

    "name":"Dandre Satterfield",
    "phone":"1-801-142-8780 x5237",

Show one customer

  "name":"Ms. Westley Shields",

Create a customer

$ curl -X POST --data "token=9tbnwEBuV5jndAoNzXKq&customer[name]=James&customer[phone]=555-555-5555" \n
  "phone" : "555-555-5555",
  "id" : 1,
  "created_at" : "2013-06-25T08:08:51Z",
  "email" : null,
  "transactions" : [],
  "updated_at" : "2013-06-25T08:08:51Z",
  "name" : "James",
  "balance" : 0

Update a customer

$ curl -X POST --data "token=9tbnwEBuV5jndAoNzXKq&customer[name]=Xavier" \n


Payments are scoped to the user account making the request.

List all paymentss

      "name":"Ms. Westley Shields",

Show one payment

    "name":"Ms. Westley Shields",

Create a payment

Update a payment


Purchases are scoped to the user account making the request.

List all purchases

      "name":"Ms. Westley Shields",
        "name":"French Coat",

Show one purchase

    "name":"Ms. Westley Shields",
      "name":"French Coat",

Create a purchase

Update a purchase