what is the vroom projet?
it's a personal whim making a 4 wheeled car.
how to get it functional?
ODE - collision and dynamic engine - www.ode.org
OGRE - 3D engine - www.ogre3d.org/
TinyXML - xml parser - www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml/
OIS - object oriented input system - provided with ogre sdk
CEGUI - gui interface - www.cegui.org.uk
change the INCDIRS variable to suit your ode and ogre includes directories
change the LIBDIRS variable to suit your libraries directories
** src/plugins.cfg
change the pluginFolder to your Ogre's plugins folder
c - to switch in camera mode
z,q,d,s - move camera
shift, ctrl - move at different speed
arrows - move
space - sort of brake
i,k - to add force, sort of lowriding
*** gui
e - on/off gui to change erp/cfm for wheel joints