Very early version, use on your own risk. Stay tuned for updates.
Sorting CSS properties in predefined order. Consider also using node.js/npm version: csscomb.js
Requires IntelliJ platform version ≥ 13.
Formerly known as CSSComb but was renamed to avoid people confusion. This plugin is NOT supported by CSSComb organization and have no shared codebase. CSSComb author is not responsible for any bugs. This is only my initiative to implement original CSSComb features as native to IDEA platform.
Based on platform provided rearrangement.
Install from IntelliJ IDEA plugin repositories or download manually here.
Should be invoked using Code → Rearrange action on CSS files. This action also can be invoked on code reformatting action by checking corresponding option (Rearrange entries) in Reformat code dialog.
Feel free to report bugs, request features and contribute.
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