Advanced rendering options for polygons and polylines on Google Maps Android API v2
// ...
// Create a new RichLayer tied to a map
RichLayer richLayer = richLayer = new RichLayer.Builder(mMapView, mMap).zIndex(0).build(); // zIndex represents the position of the RichLayer on the map
// mMapView represents the View objects that holds the map
// mMap represents a GoogleMap object
// ...
public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition cameraPosition) {
// Refresh the RichLayer each time the camera changes
RichPolylineOptions polylineOpts = new RichPolylineOptions(null)
.zIndex(3) // zIndex represents the position of the polyline on the RichLayer
.strokeColor(Color.YELLOW) // Set the polyline base color
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22987, -3.95931)).color(Color.RED)) // Set color for some vertices
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23109, -3.95926)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23063, -3.95837)).color(Color.RED))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23169, -3.95809)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23093, -3.95705)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23023, -3.95626)));
RichPolyline polyline =;
polyline.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23163, -3.95602)).color(Color.CYAN)); // RichPoint added after the creation of the RichPolyline
RichPolygonOptions polygonOpts = new RichPolygonOptions(null)
.zIndex(1) // zIndex represents the position of the polyline on the RichLayer
.fillShader(new BitmapShader(
Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT))
.pathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {10,20}, 0))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22861, -3.95567)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22977, -3.95338)).color(Color.RED))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22736, -3.95132)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22644, -3.95533)).color(Color.CYAN))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22884, -3.95342)));
List<RichPoint> hole = new ArrayList<>();
hole.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22813, -3.95289)));
hole.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22751, -3.95244)).color(Color.RED));
hole.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.22707, -3.95415)).color(Color.CYAN));
RichPolylineOptions polylineOpts2 = new RichPolylineOptions(null)
.zIndex(3) // zIndex represents the position of the polyline on the RichLayer
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23087, -3.96031)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23209, -3.96026)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23163, -3.95937)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23269, -3.95909)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23193, -3.95805)))
.add(new RichPoint(new LatLng(40.23123, -3.95726)));
RichPolyline polyline2 =;
richLayer.removeShape(polyline2); // This RichPolyline will not be drawn as it is added and removed
mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(new CameraPosition(new LatLng(40.22905, -3.95389), 18, 0, 0)));
If the map is padded (top or bottom), you will need to also set the padding to the RichLayer
when building it:
richLayer = new RichLayer.Builder(mMapView, googleMap)
.padding(100, 200) // 100px padding top and 200px padding bottom
Improve padding options to allow left/right padding. Improve drawing to allow tilt gestures.
Copyright 2015 ANTONIO CARLON
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.