antoniodecinque99 / Computational-Intelligence-Course-Reflections

This repository contains all the materials and documentation related to my experiences and projects in the Computational Intelligence course. As a student, I was deeply engaged with the course material, which explored various techniques and approaches for creating intelligent systems.
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Review Laboratory 1 (s307340) #2

Open StanickLG opened 2 years ago

StanickLG commented 2 years ago

Simple, clear and precise :

I had also thought of implementing a function which would make it possible to choose the list which would add the least cost to the solution and that is exactly what had to be done. The way to choose the h(x) function is very smart but also the way to find the numerator and the denominator and you are even avoiding errors like divisions by zero.

Very striking solution even if the coded algorithm does not seek to find the right solution (like Dijkstra for example). This way of resolving the problem is better because as the professor says in the course we will not be able to find the exact solution or it will take too much time.

Great job to both of you 10/10 :)

StanickLG commented 2 years ago

PS : Think to the %timeit my_greedy() for knowing the time of computing but here it is more than reasonable.