antoniodecinque99 / Computational-Intelligence-Course-Reflections

This repository contains all the materials and documentation related to my experiences and projects in the Computational Intelligence course. As a student, I was deeply engaged with the course material, which explored various techniques and approaches for creating intelligent systems.
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Computational Intelligence Course Reflections


This repository contains all the materials and documentation related to my experiences and projects in the Computational Intelligence course at Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo) during the academic years 2022-2023. As a student, I was deeply engaged with the course material, which explored various techniques and approaches for creating intelligent systems. This README outlines the contents of this repository, which include detailed notes, lab write-ups, and project reviews that I completed throughout the course.

Course Overview

The Computational Intelligence course provided a comprehensive introduction to the techniques used to develop intelligent systems. We explored several key concepts with a focus on evolutionary algorithms applied to games. The hands-on approach helped me understand how to apply these methods to real-world problems effectively.



Final Project: Quarto Game Solver

One of the major highlights of this course was the final project where my team and I developed a series of algorithms to play and solve the game Quarto. This project required critical thinking, creativity, and effective teamwork. It served as a practical application of the learned concepts and demonstrated our ability to tackle complex problems using advanced computational techniques.

Genetic Algorithm Development

As part of our project, we developed a genetic algorithm for the Quarto game, achieving over 99% win rate against random strategies. This success showcases the effectiveness of structured randomness in strategic gameplay and highlights our ability to engineer sophisticated solutions to complex challenges.

Learning Outcomes

Through this course, I gained:

Final Thoughts

This course was an enriching experience that enhanced my knowledge and appreciation of computational intelligence. I am excited to share these insights and experiences with my professor and classmates through this report. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in the field of computational intelligence.