antoniodecinque99 / Computational-Intelligence-Course-Reflections

This repository contains all the materials and documentation related to my experiences and projects in the Computational Intelligence course. As a student, I was deeply engaged with the course material, which explored various techniques and approaches for creating intelligent systems.
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Peer Review lab 3 Luca Marcellino s292950 #6

Open LucaMarcellino opened 1 year ago

LucaMarcellino commented 1 year ago

Peer Review Lab3 Luca Marcellino (s292950)

Before start I will say that are not present the task 3.3 and 3.4

Task 3.1 Fixed Rules

For this task I want to congratulate with you because did a really great work. Indeed you tried a lot of different ideas and you evaluated all. I think that I don't have other idea to suggest you.

Task 3.2 Evolvable Rules

You find something interesting and I didn't think a something like what you code. Moreover because I never thought to a genetic algorithm with only one gene. Maybe you can try to implement something with different genes where in each is present a probability associated to different fixed rules. In this way you can implement different crossover and mutations.

antoniodecinque99 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your review. As no one reviewed me yet, I didn't notice I had forgotten to push the other two tasks! Could you please update to review?

Thank you very much for reviewing! I will also look at your code :)

antoniodecinque99 commented 1 year ago

P.S. I just saw that we took inspiration from the same repo for the Q-Learning task!

LucaMarcellino commented 1 year ago

Tomorrow I will try :)