This Raku package has data reshaping functions for different data structures that are coercible to full arrays.
The supported data structures are:
The most important data reshaping provided by the package over those data structures are:
), join-across
The first four operations are fundamental in data wrangling and data analysis; see [AA1, Wk1, Wk2, AAv1-AAv2].
(Transposing of tabular data is, of course, also fundamental, but it also can be seen as a basic functional programming operation.)
There are other reshaping functions for:
An overview is given in (some part of) the presentation "TRC 2022 Implementation of ML algorithms in Raku", [AAv4].
More detailed explanations of the data wrangling methodology and workflows is given in the article "Introduction to data wrangling with Raku", [AA2]. (And its Bulgarian version [AA3].)
This package is one of the translation targets of the interpreter(s) provided by the package "DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows", [AAp2].
Making contingency tables -- or cross tabulation -- is a fundamental statistics and data analysis operation, [Wk1, AA1].
Here is an example using the
dataset (that is provided by this package through the function get-titanic-dataset
use Data::Reshapers;
my @tbl = get-titanic-dataset();
my $res = cross-tabulate( @tbl, 'passengerSex', 'passengerClass');
say $res;
# {female => {1st => 144, 2nd => 106, 3rd => 216}, male => {1st => 179, 2nd => 171, 3rd => 493}}
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | | 3rd | 2nd | 1st |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | female | 216 | 106 | 144 |
# | male | 493 | 171 | 179 |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
Conversion to long format allows column names to be treated as data.
(More precisely, when converting to long format specified column names of a tabular dataset become values in a dedicated column, e.g. "Variable" in the long format.)
my @tbl1 = @tbl.roll(3);
.say for @tbl1;
# {id => 2, passengerAge => 0, passengerClass => 1st, passengerSex => male, passengerSurvival => survived}
# {id => 858, passengerAge => 30, passengerClass => 3rd, passengerSex => male, passengerSurvival => survived}
# {id => 636, passengerAge => 20, passengerClass => 3rd, passengerSex => male, passengerSurvival => died}
.say for to-long-format( @tbl1 );
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => 0, Variable => passengerAge}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => survived, Variable => passengerSurvival}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => male, Variable => passengerSex}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => 1st, Variable => passengerClass}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => 2, Variable => id}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => 30, Variable => passengerAge}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => survived, Variable => passengerSurvival}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => male, Variable => passengerSex}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => 3rd, Variable => passengerClass}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => 858, Variable => id}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => 20, Variable => passengerAge}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => died, Variable => passengerSurvival}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => male, Variable => passengerSex}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => 3rd, Variable => passengerClass}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => 636, Variable => id}
my @lfRes1 = to-long-format( @tbl1, 'id', [], variablesTo => "VAR", valuesTo => "VAL2" );
.say for @lfRes1;
# {VAL2 => male, VAR => passengerSex, id => 2}
# {VAL2 => 1st, VAR => passengerClass, id => 2}
# {VAL2 => 0, VAR => passengerAge, id => 2}
# {VAL2 => survived, VAR => passengerSurvival, id => 2}
# {VAL2 => male, VAR => passengerSex, id => 636}
# {VAL2 => 3rd, VAR => passengerClass, id => 636}
# {VAL2 => 20, VAR => passengerAge, id => 636}
# {VAL2 => died, VAR => passengerSurvival, id => 636}
# {VAL2 => male, VAR => passengerSex, id => 858}
# {VAL2 => 3rd, VAR => passengerClass, id => 858}
# {VAL2 => 30, VAR => passengerAge, id => 858}
# {VAL2 => survived, VAR => passengerSurvival, id => 858}
Here we transform the long format result @lfRes1
above into wide format --
the result has the same records as the @tbl1
to-pretty-table( to-wide-format( @lfRes1, 'id', 'VAR', 'VAL2' ) );
# +-------------------+----------------+-----+--------------+--------------+
# | passengerSurvival | passengerClass | id | passengerAge | passengerSex |
# +-------------------+----------------+-----+--------------+--------------+
# | survived | 1st | 2 | 0 | male |
# | died | 3rd | 636 | 20 | male |
# | survived | 3rd | 858 | 30 | male |
# +-------------------+----------------+-----+--------------+--------------+
Using cross tabulation result above:
my $tres = transpose( $res );
to-pretty-table($res, title => "Original");
# +--------------------------+
# | Original |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | | 2nd | 3rd | 1st |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | female | 106 | 216 | 144 |
# | male | 171 | 493 | 179 |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
to-pretty-table($tres, title => "Transposed");
# +---------------------+
# | Transposed |
# +-----+--------+------+
# | | female | male |
# +-----+--------+------+
# | 1st | 144 | 179 |
# | 2nd | 106 | 171 |
# | 3rd | 216 | 493 |
# +-----+--------+------+
Earlier versions of the package implemented a type "deduction" system. Currently, the type system is provided by the package "Data::TypeSystem", [AAp1].
The type system conventions follow those of Mathematica's
-- see the presentation
"Dataset improvements".
Here we get the Titanic dataset, change the "passengerAge" column values to be numeric, and show dataset's dimensions:
my @dsTitanic = get-titanic-dataset(headers => 'auto');
@dsTitanic ={$_<passengerAge> = $_<passengerAge>.Numeric; $_}).Array;
# (1309 5)
Here is a sample of dataset's records:
to-pretty-table(@dsTitanic.pick(5).List, field-names => <id passengerAge passengerClass passengerSex passengerSurvival>)
# +------+--------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+
# | id | passengerAge | passengerClass | passengerSex | passengerSurvival |
# +------+--------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+
# | 1097 | 0 | 3rd | male | died |
# | 340 | 0 | 2nd | male | survived |
# | 367 | 50 | 2nd | male | died |
# | 70 | -1 | 1st | female | survived |
# | 584 | 40 | 2nd | female | survived |
# +------+--------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+
Here is the type of a single record:
use Data::TypeSystem;
# Struct([id, passengerAge, passengerClass, passengerSex, passengerSurvival], [Str, Int, Str, Str, Str])
Here is the type of single record's values:
# Tuple([Atom((Str)), Atom((Int)), Atom((Str)), Atom((Str)), Atom((Str))])
Here is the type of the whole dataset:
# Vector(Struct([id, passengerAge, passengerClass, passengerSex, passengerSurvival], [Str, Int, Str, Str, Str]), 1309)
Here is the type of "values only" records:
my @valArr = @dsTitanic>>.values>>.Array;
# Vector((Any), 1309)
Here is the type of the string values only records:
my @valArr = delete-columns(@dsTitanic, 'passengerAge')>>.values>>.Array;
# Vector(Vector(Atom((Str)), 4), 1309)
[X] DONE Simpler more convenient interface.
[ ] TODO More extensive long format tests.
[ ] TODO More extensive wide format tests.
[X] DONE Implement verifications for:
See the type system implementation -- it has all of functionalities listed here.
[X] DONE Positional-of-hashes
[X] DONE Positional-of-arrays
[X] DONE Positional-of-key-to-array-pairs
[X] DONE Positional-of-hashes, each record of which has:
[X] DONE Positional-of-arrays, each record of which has:
[X] DONE Implement "nice tabular visualization" using Pretty::Table and/or Text::Table::Simple.
[X] DONE Document examples using pretty tables.
[X] DONE Implement transposing operation for:
[X] DONE Implement to-pretty-table for:
[ ] DONE Implement join-across:
[X] DONE Implement semi- and anti-join
[ ] TODO Implement to long format conversion for:
[ ] TODO Speed/performance profiling.
[ ] TODO Type system.
[X] DONE Refactor the type system into a separate package.
[X] DONE "Simple" or fundamental functions
.[AA1] Anton Antonov, "Contingency tables creation examples", (2016), MathematicaForPrediction at WordPress.
[AA2] Anton Antonov, "Introduction to data wrangling with Raku", (2021), RakuForPrediction at WordPress.
[AA3] Anton Antonov, "Увод в обработката на данни с Raku", (2022), RakuForPrediction at WordPress.
[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, Contingency table.
[Wk2] Wikipedia entry, Wide and narrow data.
[AAf1] Anton Antonov, CrossTabulate, (2019), Wolfram Function Repository.
[AAf2] Anton Antonov, LongFormDataset, (2020), Wolfram Function Repository.
[AAf3] Anton Antonov, WideFormDataset, (2021), Wolfram Function Repository.
[AAf4] Anton Antonov, RecordsSummary, (2019), Wolfram Function Repository.
[AAp1] Anton Antonov, Data::TypeSystem Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.
[AAp2] Anton Antonov, DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows Raku package, (2022-2024), GitHub/antononcube.
[AAv1] Anton Antonov, "Multi-language Data-Wrangling Conversational Agent", (2020), YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc.. (Wolfram Technology Conference 2020 presentation.)
[AAv2] Anton Antonov, "Data Transformation Workflows with Anton Antonov, Session #1", (2020), YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc..
[AAv3] Anton Antonov, "Data Transformation Workflows with Anton Antonov, Session #2", (2020), YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc..
[AAv4] Anton Antonov, "TRC 2022 Implementation of ML algorithms in Raku, (2022), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.