is a Neovim plugin that adds support for file operations using built-in LSP
This plugin works by subscribing to events emitted by nvim-tree, neo-tree and triptych. But other integrations are possible.
Full implementation of all workspace.fileOperations
in the current lsp spec:
If you have usecases for any other operations please open an issue.
use {
requires = {
-- Uncomment whichever supported plugin(s) you use
-- "nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua",
-- "nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim",
-- "simonmclean/triptych.nvim"
config = function()
Note that the config function will let you skip the setup step.
return {
dependencies = {
-- Uncomment whichever supported plugin(s) you use
-- "nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua",
-- "nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim",
-- "simonmclean/triptych.nvim"
config = function()
Please note that the order that the plugins load in is important, neo-tree must load before nvim-lsp-file-operations for it to work, so nvim-lsp-file-operations depends on neo-tree and not the other way around.
This is equivalent to:
require("lsp-file-operations").setup {
-- used to see debug logs in file `vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. lsp-file-operations.log`
debug = false,
-- select which file operations to enable
operations = {
willRenameFiles = true,
didRenameFiles = true,
willCreateFiles = true,
didCreateFiles = true,
willDeleteFiles = true,
didDeleteFiles = true,
-- how long to wait (in milliseconds) for file rename information before cancelling
timeout_ms = 10000,
Some LSP servers also expect to be informed about the extended client capabilities. If you use nvim-lspconfig you can configure the default client capabilities that will be sent to all servers like this:
local lspconfig = require'lspconfig'
-- Set global defaults for all servers
lspconfig.util.default_config = vim.tbl_extend(
capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend(
-- returns configured operations if setup() was already called
-- or default operations if not
PRs are always welcome.