antoyang / TubeDETR

[CVPR 2022 Oral] TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Transformers
Apache License 2.0
167 stars 8 forks source link
hc-stvg multimodal-learning spatio-temporal-video-grounding stvg video-understanding vidstg vision-and-language visual-grounding

TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Transformers

WebsiteSTVG DemoPaper


Teaser TubeDETR is a new architecture for spatio-temporal video grounding that consists of an efficient video and text encoder that models spatial multi-modal interactions over sparsely sampled frames and a space-time decoder that jointly performs spatio-temporal localization.

This repository provides the code for our paper. This includes:


Download FFMPEG and add it to the PATH environment variable. The code was tested with version ffmpeg-4.2.2-amd64-static. Then create a conda environment and install the requirements with the following commands:

conda create -n tubedetr_env python=3.8
conda activate tubedetr_env
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Downloading

Setup the paths where you are going to download videos and annotations in the config json files.

VidSTG: Download VidOR videos and annotations from the VidOR dataset providers. Then download the VidSTG annotations from the VidSTG dataset providers. The vidstg_vid_path folder should contain a folder video containing the unzipped video folders. The vidstg_ann_path folder should contain both VidOR and VidSTG annotations.

HC-STVG: Download HC-STVG1 and HC-STVG2.0 videos and annotations from the HC-STVG dataset providers. The hcstvg_vid_path folder should contain a folder video containing the unzipped video folders. The hcstvg_ann_path folder should contain both HC-STVG1 and HC-STVG2.0 annotations.

Data Preprocessing

To preprocess annotation files, run:

python preproc/
python preproc/
python preproc/


Download pretrained RoBERTa tokenizer and model weights in the TRANSFORMERS_CACHE folder. Download pretrained ResNet-101 model weights in the TORCH_HOME folder. Download MDETR pretrained model weights with ResNet-101 backbone in the current folder.

VidSTG To train on VidSTG, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS --use_env --ema \
--load=pretrained_resnet101_checkpoint.pth --combine_datasets=vidstg --combine_datasets_val=vidstg \
--dataset_config config/vidstg.json --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR

HC-STVG2.0 To train on HC-STVG2.0, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS --use_env --ema \
--load=pretrained_resnet101_checkpoint.pth --combine_datasets=hcstvg --combine_datasets_val=hcstvg \
--v2 --dataset_config config/hcstvg.json --epochs=20 --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR

HC-STVG1 To train on HC-STVG1, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS --use_env --ema \
--load=pretrained_resnet101_checkpoint.pth --combine_datasets=hcstvg --combine_datasets_val=hcstvg \
--dataset_config config/hcstvg.json --epochs=40 --eval_skip=40 --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR


Available Checkpoints

Training data parameters url VidSTG test declarative sentences (vIoU/vIoU@0.3/vIoU@0.5) VidSTG test interrogative sentences (vIoU/vIoU@0.3/vIoU@0.5) HC-STVG1 test (vIoU/vIoU@0.3/vIoU@0.5) HC-STVG2.0 val (vIoU/vIoU@0.3/vIoU@0.5) size
MDETR init + VidSTG k=4 res=352 Drive 30.4/42.5/28.2 25.7/35.7/23.2 3.0GB
MDETR init + VidSTG k=2 res=224 Drive 29.0/40.4/78.3 24.6/33.6/21.6 3.0GB
ImageNet init + VidSTG k=4 res=352 Drive 22.0/29.7/18.1 19.6/26.1/14.9 3.0GB
MDETR init + HC-STVG2.0 k=4 res=352 Drive 36.4/58.8/30.6 3.0GB
MDETR init + HC-STVG2.0 k=2 res=224 Drive 35.8/56.7/29.6 3.0GB
MDETR init + HC-STVG1 k=4 res=352 Drive 32.4/49.8/23.5 3.0GB
ImageNet init + HC-STVG1 k=4 res=352 Drive 21.2/31.6/12.2 3.0GB


For evaluation only, simply run the same commands as for training with --resume=CHECKPOINT --eval. For this to be done on the test set, add --test (in this case predictions and attention weights are also saved).

Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding Demo

You can also use a pretrained model to infer a spatio-temporal tube on a video of your choice (VIDEO_PATH with potential START and END timestamps) given the natural language query of your choice (CAPTION) with the following command:

python --load=CHECKPOINT --caption_example CAPTION --video_example VIDEO_PATH --start_example=START --end_example=END --output-dir OUTPUT_PATH

Note that we also host an online demo at this link, the code of which is available at and server_stvg.html.


This codebase is built on the MDETR codebase. The code for video spatial data augmentation is inspired by torch_videovision.


If you found this work useful, consider giving this repository a star and citing our paper as followed:

author    = {Antoine Yang and Antoine Miech and Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid},
title     = {TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding With Transformers},
booktitle = {CVPR},
year      = {2022}}