anuszka / COVID-19-MZ_GOV_PL

COVID-19 statistics for Poland, captured from Polish Health Ministry's Twitter @MZ_GOV_PL
MIT License
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twitter_scraper stopped working. I don't know how to fix it.

Getting tweets from MZ_GOV_PL ...

JSONDecodeError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-84f6aa3eb5f7> in <module>
----> 1 exec(open('../code/').read())

<string> in <module>

~/anaconda2/envs/python3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twitter_scraper/modules/ in get_tweets(query, pages)
    139             pages += -1
--> 141     yield from gen_tweets(pages)
    143 # for searching:

~/anaconda2/envs/python3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twitter_scraper/modules/ in gen_tweets(pages)
     43         while pages > 0:
     44             try:
---> 45                 html = HTML(html=r.json()['items_html'],
     46                             url='bunk', default_encoding='utf-8')      
     47             except KeyError:

~/anaconda2/envs/python3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in json(self, **kwargs)
    896                     # used.
    897                     pass
--> 898         return complexjson.loads(self.text, **kwargs)
    900     @property

~/anaconda2/envs/python3.6/lib/python3.6/json/ in loads(s, encoding, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
    352             parse_int is None and parse_float is None and
    353             parse_constant is None and object_pairs_hook is None and not kw):
--> 354         return _default_decoder.decode(s)
    355     if cls is None:
    356         cls = JSONDecoder

~/anaconda2/envs/python3.6/lib/python3.6/json/ in decode(self, s, _w)
    338         """
--> 339         obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
    340         end = _w(s, end).end()
    341         if end != len(s):

~/anaconda2/envs/python3.6/lib/python3.6/json/ in raw_decode(self, s, idx)
    355             obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
    356         except StopIteration as err:
--> 357             raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
    358         return obj, end

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)


COVID-19 statistics for Poland, captured from Polish Health Ministry's Twitter @MZ_GOV_PL

My plots of these data are here:

For example, my comments on the statistics for 2020.04.20 (in Polish).

Why from Twitter

Polish Ministry of Health does not publish data in human-readable format.

On the Ministry of Health website, the the incidence table shows only the current day status and only in two categories: Number of confirmed cases (cumulative) and number of deaths (cumulative).

On their Twitter account, the Ministry of Health shows data in 7 categories in 3 ways:

I automated downloading these data from Twitter using scripts in Python.

To read the numbers from bitmaps, I used Python packages for image recognition (to filter colors in the background and then to OCR the text).

Data in other columns were entered manually.

Caution! Image recognition is not perfect. (However, I greatly improved it in v. 1.1.0 and I fix it when image format changes.) Go to to see what errors may occur and how to correct them.


Where are the data

data directory contains CSV files with the data on COVID-19 statistics for Poland, captured from Polish Health Ministry's Twitter @MZ_GOV_PL.

CSV file description


The following is a bit inconsistent but for historical reasons:

Column headers

For convenience of users, below I explain the column headers: Polish English Comment
"Data" "date"
"Dzień" "day" since the 1st case
"Wykryci zakażeni" "confirmed" cumulative
"Testy" "tested" cumulative
"Hospitalizowani" "hospitalized" for a given day, not cumulative
"Zmarli" "deaths" cumulative
"Kwarantanna" "quarantined" for a given day, not cumulative
"Nadzór" "surveillance" under epidemiological surveillance; for a given day, not cumulative
"Testy, wartości przybliżone" "tests, approximate" there were no data for one day, just an approximate number was given on Twitter @MZ_GOV_PL; cumulative
"Kwarantanna po powrocie do kraju" "quarantined after return to Poland" for a given day, not cumulative
"Wydarzenia" "events" restrictions introduced by Polish government (described in Polish)
"Wyzdrowiali" "recovered" cumulative
"Testowane osoby" "persons tested" cumulative

Here, column headers as a dictionary (perhaps this will be useful for copy-pasting into Python code):

original_Polish_header : English_translation # comment

"Data" : "date", 
"Dzień" : "day",  #  since the 1st case 
"Wykryci zakażeni" : "confirmed",  # cumulative
"Testy" : "tested",  # cumulative
"Hospitalizowani" : "hospitalized", # for a given day, not cumulative
"Zmarli" : "deaths", # cumulative
"Kwarantanna" : "quarantined", # for a given day, not cumulative
"Nadzór" : "surveillance",  # under epidemiological surveillance; for a given day, not cumulative
"Testy, wartości przybliżone" : "tests, approximate",  # there were no data for one day, 
                                                       # just an approximate number was given 
                                                       # on Twitter @MZ_GOV_PL; cumulative
"Kwarantanna po powrocie do kraju" : "quarantined after return to Poland", # for a given day,
                                                                           # not cumulative
"Wydarzenia" : "events",  # restrictions introduced by Polish government (described in Polish)
"Wyzdrowiali" : "recovered" # cumulative
"Testowane osoby" : "persons tested"  # cumulative

Restrictions introduced by Polish government

For convenience of users, below I explain the cells content in "Wydarzenia" ("events") column:

Polish English
"Zamknięcie szkół i instytucji kulturalnych" "Closing schools and cultural institutions
"Ogłoszenie stanu epidemii" "State of epidemic announced"
"Dalsze restrykcje (zgromadzenia max 2 os.)" "Further restrictions (public meetings not allowed for more than 2 people)"
"Kolejne restrykcje (zakaz wychodzenia młodzieży, 2 m odstępu, zamknięcie salonów fryzjerskich etc.)" "Next restrictions (going out not allowed for youth < 18 years old, maintain a distance of at least 2 m in public, closing of hairdressing salons, etc.)"
"Dalsze restrykcje (zasłanianie twarzy)" "Further restrictions (face covering)"
"Zniesienie części restrykcji (otwarcie parków i lasów, przemieszczanie rekreacyjne, sklepy i kościoły – więcej osób, swobodne przemieszczanie powyżej 13 roku życia)" "Restrictions partially lifted (opening parks and forests, recreational movement allowed, more people allowed in shops and churches, free movement allowed > 13 y.o.)"
"Zniesienie części restrykcji (otwarte hotele, galerie handlowe, biblioteki)" "Restrictions partially lifted (open hotels, malls, libraries)"
"Zniesienie części restrykcji (brak masek w przestrzeniach otwartych)" "Restrictions partially lifted (no masks in the open air)"

Here, cells content in "Wydarzenia" ("events") column is shown as a dictionary (perhaps this will be useful for copy-pasting into Python code): original_Polish_header : English_translation # comment

"Zamknięcie szkół i instytucji kulturalnych" : "Closing schools and cultural institutions",
"Ogłoszenie stanu epidemii" : "State of epidemic announced",
"Dalsze restrykcje (zgromadzenia max 2 os.)" : "Further restrictions (public meetings \
  not allowed for more than 2 people)",
"Kolejne restrykcje (zakaz wychodzenia młodzieży, 2 m odstępu, zamknięcie salonów fryzjerskich etc.)" : \
  "Next restrictions (going out not allowed for youth < 18 years old, maintain a distance of at least \
  2 m in public, closing of hairdressing salons, etc.)",
"Dalsze restrykcje (zasłanianie twarzy)" : "Further restrictions (face covering)" ,
"Zniesienie części restrykcji (otwarcie parków i lasów, przemieszczanie rekreacyjne, sklepy i kościoły \
– więcej osób, swobodne przemieszczanie powyżej 13 roku życia)":\
"Restrictions partially lifted (opening parks and forests, recreational movement allowed, more people \
allowed in shops and churches, free movement allowed > 13 y.o.)",
"Zniesienie części restrykcji (otwarte hotele, galerie handlowe, biblioteki)":"Restrictions partially \
lifted (open hotels, malls, libraries)",
"Zniesienie części restrykcji (brak masek w przestrzeniach otwartych)":"Restrictions partially lifted \
(no masks in the open air)"

2020-04-28: New data

Additional data are now shown on @MZ_GOV_PL Twitter: Number of persons tested.

New column added in CSV data file: 'Testowane osoby' ('Persons tested').

2020-04-20: Data corrected!

Correction to my data. There was a supplementary Twitter message on April 7, which I did not note. As a result, in my data files, part of the increase in the number of confirmed cases from April 7 erroneously moved to April 8. This has been corrected since cor.2020.04.20.csv.

2020-05-30: Data corrected!

Correction to my data for 26-30.05.2020 in 'recovered'.