anwar-ul-azim / green-city

A Cross-platform Web Application for Sharing Bicycle
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django django-rest-framework social-media


A Cross-platform Web Application For Sharing Bicycle Near By.


Bicycling is for everyone

More than 42 million Americans 6 and older—15% of the population—rode a bike for recreation in 2010, making it the second-most-popular outdoor activity in the U.S.
In 2009, Americans made 4 billion trips by bicycle.

Bicycling is the ideal way to take short trips

Most trips Americans make are short: 50% are less than 3 miles, 40% are less than 2 miles, and 28% are less than 1 mile.

Bicycling can help you live longer and better

Adults who bike to work have better weight, blood pressure, and insulin levels.
Women who bike 30+ minutes a day have a lower risk of breast cancer.
Adolescents who bicycle are 48% less likely to be overweight as adults.

Bicycling boosts the economy

The U.S. bike industry supports 1.1 million jobs and generates $1.8 billion in taxes.
Homes closer to bike paths are more valuable.
Bicycling can reduce obesity and overweight, which cost the U.S. $270 billion per year.

Bicycling is less expensive than driving—for individuals and society

The average American household spends $8,758 per year on car payments and vehicle operating expenses – more than they spend on food.
On a round-trip commute of 10 miles, bicyclists save around $10 daily.
For every two miles that someone bikes instead of drives, they save society $1.

Bicycling reduces road congestion and air pollution

Traffic congestion wastes 4.8 billion hours and 3.9 billion gallons of gas per year in the U.S., costing the country an additional $115 billion.
For every 1 mile pedaled rather than driven, nearly 1 pound of CO2 is saved.

Bicycling is safe, and together we can make it safer

The health benefits of bicycling outweigh the risks by a factor of 20:1.
Safety in numbers: the more people who ride, the safer bicycling becomes.


Why Green City

Green City will help you to rent out your extra or unused bicycles or hire the best cycle near you at minimum cost. And you can get all of our services from home using a pc or a smart phone. Green City will also provide all security that are mentioned in our terms & policies.

How it works

To use green city for rent or hire a cycle, at first you have to register with us. Then verify Your profile and email by providing you nid card info, email and payment credentials. Then you can post a cycle to get hire or search a suitable cycle for you to hire. We will calculate your rent so that when you finish your use you can easily give back the cycle by paying the due.


You can use our service from any modern web browser.

About Us

We(mizan, pias, sadat, anwar, ) have completed our graduation in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from North South University.

Project Setup

For web application


Development Guide:

* commit all your work in a separate branch.
* named your branch starting with "GC_".
* commit after completing every task, and 
    try to write a understandable message & 
    test your own code(valid code) 
* make a pull request after completing 
    an issue by mentioning the issue.


Green-city is an open source project. Anyone can copy, modify and distribute it.


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