A Obsidian Plugin. You can flexibility to create a 'Block' by some means. It also provides some useful features, like list to table
This is a 【Syntax free, Extensible、Powerful and flexible、Multi-platform】 Markdown block extension rendering plugin
(这是一个 【无语法、可扩展、灵活强大、多平台】 的 Markdown 块扩展渲染插件)
with linczero-github-io.pages.dev
in the urllinczero.github.io
替换成 linczero-github-io.pages.dev
(本文的默认网站链接指向 github.io,如果国内有不能访问的朋友,那么大概率需要做这一步)multiWay table
/multiCross table
/Cross table
Optimized list (优化列表)
The essence is "listtable" based on the addition of a mock list style (本质是 "列表格" 的基础上增加仿列表样式)
Dir Tree (目录树)
The essence is "listtable" based on the addition of imitation directory style (本质是"列表格"的基础上增加仿目录样式)
ASCII Dir Tree (ascii 目录树)
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure, 工作分解结构)
timeline (时间线)
tabs & card (标签页和卡片)
mermaid flow (mermaid流程图)
plantuml mindmap (plantuml 思维导图)
nodes (ab mindmap) (转节点树图,AnyBlock版思维导图)
markmap mindmap (markmap 思维导图)
mermaid mindmap (mermaid 思维导图)
Here are some of the more common processors: