The Go Go Duck is a lightweight application with the single function of subsetting and aggregating gridded netCDF files and returning an email pointing to the aggregated output netCDF file. It was developed in a short space of time as a proof of concept, and was later deployed to the IMOS production environment. The GoGoDuck works with any CF-compliant NetCDF files.
Supposing you have a JSON document such as the one at doc/example_job_request.json, which looks like this:
layerName: 'acorn_hourly_avg_rot_qc_timeseries_url',
emailAddress: '',
geoserver: ''
subsetDescriptor: {
temporalExtent: {
start: '2013-11-20T00:30:00.000Z',
end: '2013-11-20T10:30:00.000Z'
spatialExtent: {
north: '-32.150743',
south: '-33.433849',
east: '115.741219',
west: '114.15197'
then a job cab be requested like this:
curl -v --data @doc/example_job_request.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/go-go-duck/job
curl -v -O -J --get http://localhost:8300/go-go-duck/aggr/8d0ed017
where 8d0ed017
is the job ID.