aomlomics / protocols

Protocols used by AOML Omics labs, following the BeBOP-OBON standard
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AOML Omics Protocols

The repository contains protocols used by AOML Omics labs, made using the BeBOP-OBON protocol templates.

Protocols by category

Sample collection

DNA extraction

Metabarcoding (amplicon) library prep

Metagenomic (shotgun) library prep

How to use

Clicking on a protocol above will take you to the Markdown file of the protocol on GitHub. To download the protocol, click on the "Download raw file" button on the right side of the tool bar above the document. To view and/or print the protocol, open the Markdown file in a Markdown editor such as Typora.


The protocols here are complete but may undergo formatting and minor content changes. Versioning will be done by releasing versions of this repository to Zenodo. In most cases, versions will be linear modifications to existing protocols, and version numbers will be sufficient to track them. In cases where variations require multiple protocol versions to coexist, multiple protocols will be maintained.