aosasona / chimney

A minimal & fast static file server designed for minimal configuration
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link
frontend rust-lang

[!WARNING] This is still in early development, I would not recommend for production use.. yet.

See the issues for things that are on the "roadmap" or missing

This may not fit your usecase, have a look at Nginx and Caddy

A minimal static file server. See this example deployed on Fly.



With Docker

You can run the Docker image and provide a bind mount like this:

docker pull
docker run -p 80:80 -v ./dist:/var/www/html

Although, a more practical (and recommended) usage is to use it in a multi-stage build Dockerfile, this is a Dockerfile for an Astro website:

FROM node:18-alpine AS build


COPY package.json pnpm-lock.yaml .

# Install pnpm package manager and install dependencies
RUN npm install -g pnpm

RUN pnpm install

# Copy files needed for the build, source directory and public folder
COPY astro.config.mjs tsconfig.json tailwind.config.cjs .

COPY src src

COPY public public

# Build to static HTML
RUN pnpm build

# Use chimney as final run image

# Copy the result of the previous build process (HTML files and the asssets; JS, CSS, Images, GIFs etc) to the default public directory
COPY --from=build /app/dist /var/www/html

# Replace the default config with our custom config
COPY chimney.toml /etc/chimney/chimney.toml


# Start the proxy
CMD ["run"]


If you are using the official image, there are a few locations you might want to know about:

Path Description
/var/www/html Similar to NGINX, this is where all your publicly available files should be, including any asset. This path was chosen since it is familiar to most people, you can change this by overriding the default config and setting root_dir to anywhere you want in the container
/etc/chimney/chimney.toml This is where the default config lives, you can change this by copying your own config to wherever you desire and writing CMD as ["run", "-c", "path/to/config"] in your custom Dockerfile
/bin/chimney This is where the Chimney binary lives in the container, since the ENTRYPOINT has been set to this path, you can easily use the "docker run" command to execute commands in the container directly without specifying /bin/chimney

As a standalone binary

Currently, there is no way to install via Homebrew or Cargo (this may change in the future), but you can download the binary for your platform from the releases page. If you are using Windows, there are no builds available so you could try using the next option.

Build from source

If you are unable to or don't want to use Docker and there are no builds available for your platform, you can use Chimney by building from source:

git clone
cd chimney
cargo build --release

# and then run it
./target/release/chimney run


chimney init path/to/project
chimney run -c path/to/project/chimney.toml # the config filename is optional, it looks for `chimney.toml` by default in the target directory

Config reference

[!WARNING] HTTPS functionality has NOT been implemented yet, so using this standalone in production is kind of not feasible... unless you have some sort of central proxy and a bunch of containers running Chimney that you simply proxy requests to (you can probably tell what my usecase is...)

Field type Description Default
host string The IP address to bind to
port integer The (TCP) port to run the HTTP server on 80
domain_names array unimplemented The domain names that the server should respond to, this has also not been implemented yet and does nothing yet []
enable_logging boolean Enable/disable request logging (what gets logged is currently limited and not quite customisable) true
root_dir string This is where your static files and assets are located, for example /var/www/html. This is relative to where the config is located if it is not an absolute path, for example, if your config is located at /Users/name/personal/chimney.toml and the root_dir is set to "public", this will be resolved to /Users/name/personal/public "public"
fallback_document string The file that should be served if the requested path is neither a file that exists nor a valid redirect/rewrite, leaving this blank is also allowed and will just send the status code with no body. A good usecase would be setting this to index.html if you are serving an SPA, or 404.html if you have an Astro site for example "index.html"
https.enable boolean unimplemented false
https.auto_redirect boolean unimplemented false
https.port integer unimplemented 443
https.use_self_signed boolean unimplemented false
https.cert_file string unimplemented nil
https.key_file string unimplemented nil
rewrites table A rewrite generally maintains the same URL but serves something different, the file doesn't even need to exist. A rewrite could in fact point to a redirect, the leading slash is required when defining a rewrite. For example, if you have a rewrite defined as "/foo" = "page.html", even though foo is not a real file, when the server receives a request for /foo, it will read and serve the page.html file instead without the user knowing
headers table Extra headers you want to append to every response the server sends out nil
redirects table A redirect maps a path to an external URL (including the current site). Unlike rewrites, a redirect does not read or serve a file, it simply takes the user away to the specified URL, and replays the request (useful for POSTs) if configured to. For example, "/foo" = { to = "", replay = false } will take the user to anytime they visit but will NOT replay the request if it was a POST or similar. nil

You can find sample config files here and here.

Why not [this other proxy/server]?

I made this for my very narrow use-case as both a learning exercise and because I:

This is most definitely not what you want, and if it is, give it a go and let me know how you're using it, bugs you find and general feedback would be appreciated.

Contributing & feedback

I would love to hear from people who are actively using this mainly for bug fixes and feature suggestions, I may or may not add your desired feature if it doesn't fit any of the goals.