apache / geode-kafka-connector

Kafka connector for Apache Geode
Apache License 2.0
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What is geode-kafka-connector

Kafka provides an integration point through Source and Sink Connectors. The GeodeKafkaSource allows Geode to be a data source for Kafka The GeodeKafkaSink allows Geode to consume data off of topics and store data from Kafka.

How to Build

mvn package

How to install the geode-kafka-connector


In summary, we will use the standalone worker for this example.

GeodeKafkaSink Properties

Property Required Description Default
locators no, but... A comma separated string of locators that configure which locators to connect to localhost[10334]
topic-to-regions yes A comma separated list of "one topic to many regions" bindings. Each binding is surrounded by brackets. For example "[topicName:regionName], [anotherTopic: regionName, anotherRegion]" [gkctopic:gkcregion]
security-client-auth-init no Point to class that implements the AuthInitialize Interface
null-values-mean-remove no If set to true, when topics send a SinkRecord with a null value, we will convert to an operation similar to region.remove instead of putting a null value into the region true

GeodeKafkaSource Properties

Property Required Description Default
locators no, but... A comma separated string of locators that configure which locators to connect to localhost[10334]
region-to-topics yes A comma separated list of "one region to many topics" mappings. Each mapping is surrounded by brackets. For example "[regionName:topicName], "[anotherRegion: topicName, anotherTopic]" [gkcregion:gkctopic]
security-client-auth-init no Point to class that implements the AuthInitialize Interface
security-username no Supply a username to be used to authenticate with Geode. Will automatically set the security-client-auth-init to use a SystemPropertyAuthInit if one isn't supplied by the user null
security-password no Supply a password to be used to authenticate with Geode null
geode-connector-batch-size no Maximum number of records to return on each poll 100
geode-connector-queue-size no Maximum number of entries in the connector queue before backing up all Geode cq listeners sharing the task queue 10000
load-entire-region no Determines if we should queue up all entries that currently exist in a region. This allows us to copy existing region data. Will be replayed whenever a task needs to re-register a cq true
durable-client-id-prefix no Prefix string for tasks to append to when registering as a durable client. If empty string, will not register as a durable client ""
durable-client-timeout no How long in milliseconds to persist values in Geode's durable queue before the queue is invalidated 60000
cq-prefix no Prefix string to identify Connector cq's on a Geode server cqForGeodeKafka

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