apache / incubator-datalab

Apache DataLab (incubating)
Apache License 2.0
153 stars 58 forks source link

Any Docs on Installing Datalab in GKE? #927

Open Rep1AI opened 4 years ago

Rep1AI commented 4 years ago

Is there a guide on Installing Datalab in existing Google Kubernetes cluster?

viravit commented 4 years ago

Is there a guide on Installing Datalab in existing Google Kubernetes cluster?

Dear @RohitR1 , The user guide is in progress. Roughly speaking it will be ready in two weeks.

viravit commented 3 years ago

Dear @RohitR1, The documentation about DataLab deployment on GKE is here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-datalab/tree/develop/infrastructure-provisioning/terraform/gcp/ssn-gke.

spattanaik75 commented 1 year ago

Hi @viravit should we follow similar approach to deploy for EKS? in this scenario SSN and Provisioning service will be created inside EKS. But is there some provision for the exploratory environment to be created inside EKS itself ?