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[Bug][SonarQube] subtask convertIssueCodeBlocks ended unexpectedly #7586

Open klemen-df opened 3 weeks ago

klemen-df commented 3 weeks ago

Search before asking

What happened

when running scraping I get this error:

subtask convertIssueCodeBlocks ended unexpectedly Wraps: (2) error adding result to batch (500) Wraps: (3) Error 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'component' at row 209 (500) Wraps: (4) Error 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'component' at row 209 Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *hintdetail.withDetail (4) *mysql.MySQLError

What do you expect to happen

The process should end without an error.

How to reproduce

Add SonarQube project and run.

Anything else

No response



Are you willing to submit PR?

Code of Conduct

dosubot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @klemen-df! I'm here to help you with any bugs, questions, or contributions you have for the project. Let me know how I can assist you!

To resolve the error "Data too long for column 'component' at row 209" encountered during the SonarQube scraping process in version v1.0.0-beta10, you need to modify the length of the 'component' column in the relevant tables. The provided migration script 20231007_modify_component_length.go changes the column type to varchar(500) for the component field in the _tool_sonarqube_hotspots, _tool_sonarqube_issue_code_blocks, and _tool_sonarqube_issues tables.

Here is the relevant migration script:

package migrationscripts

import (

var _ plugin.MigrationScript = (*modifyComponentLength)(nil)

type modifyComponentLength struct{}

type sonarqubeHotspot20231007 struct {
    Component string `gorm:"index;type:varchar(500)"`

func (sonarqubeHotspot20231007) TableName() string {
    return "_tool_sonarqube_hotspots"

type sonarqubeIssueCodeBlock20231007 struct {
    Component string `gorm:"index;type:varchar(500)"`

func (sonarqubeIssueCodeBlock20231007) TableName() string {
    return "_tool_sonarqube_issue_code_blocks"

type sonarqubeIssue20231007 struct {
    Component string `gorm:"index;type:varchar(500)"`

func (sonarqubeIssue20231007) TableName() string {
    return "_tool_sonarqube_issues"

func (script *modifyComponentLength) Up(basicRes context.BasicRes) errors.Error {
    db := basicRes.GetDal()
    err := migrationhelper.ChangeColumnsType[sonarqubeHotspot20231007](
        func(tmpColumnParams []interface{}) errors.Error {
            return db.UpdateColumn(
                dal.DalClause{Expr: " ? ", Params: tmpColumnParams},
                dal.Where("? != '' ", tmpColumnParams...),
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = migrationhelper.ChangeColumnsType[sonarqubeIssueCodeBlock20231007](
        func(tmpColumnParams []interface{}) errors.Error {
            return db.UpdateColumn(
                dal.DalClause{Expr: " ? ", Params: tmpColumnParams},
                dal.Where("? != '' ", tmpColumnParams...),
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = migrationhelper.ChangeColumnsType[sonarqubeIssue20231007](
        func(tmpColumnParams []interface{}) errors.Error {
            return db.UpdateColumn(
                dal.DalClause{Expr: " ? ", Params: tmpColumnParams},
                dal.Where("? != '' ", tmpColumnParams...),
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (*modifyComponentLength) Version() uint64 {
    return 20231007145127

func (*modifyComponentLength) Name() string {
    return "modify component type to varchar(500)"

This script increases the length of the component column to 500 characters, which should resolve the "Data too long for column 'component'" error. Additionally, if you encounter similar issues with other columns or tables, you can refer to the Configuration and Blueprint Troubleshooting documentation for more detailed solutions and workarounds [1][2].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.