# Apache DevLake(Incubating)
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## 🤔 What is Apache DevLake?
[Apache DevLake](https://devlake.apache.org) is an open-source dev data platform that ingests, analyzes, and visualizes the fragmented data from DevOps tools to extract insights for engineering excellence, developer experience, and community growth.
Apache DevLake is used by Engineering Leads, Open Source Software Maintainers and development teams looking to make better sense of their development process and to bring a more data-driven approach to their own practices. You can ask Apache DevLake many questions regarding your development process. Just connect and query.
## 🎯 What can be accomplished with Apache DevLake?
1. Your Dev Data lives in many silos and tools. DevLake brings them all together to give you a complete view of your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
2. From [DORA](https://dora.dev/guides/dora-metrics-four-keys/) to scrum retros, DevLake implements metrics effortlessly with prebuilt dashboards supporting common frameworks and goals.
3. DevLake fits teams of all shapes and sizes, and can be readily extended to support new data sources, metrics, and dashboards, with a flexible framework for data collection and transformation.
## 👉 Live Demos
The main way you interact with DevLake is through the integrated dashboards powered by [Grafana](https://github.com/grafana/grafana).
[Live DORA Dashboard](https://grafana-lake.demo.devlake.io/grafana/d/qNo8_0M4z/dora?orgId=1)
[Dashboards for Engineering Leads](https://devlake.apache.org/livedemo/EngineeringLeads)
[Dashboards for OSS Maintainers](https://devlake.apache.org/livedemo/OSSMaintainers)
## 💪 Supported Data Sources
DevLake supports connections to many popular development tools, including GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, Jira, Sonarqube and more. [Here](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Overview/SupportedDataSources) you can find all data sources supported by DevLake, their scopes, supported versions and more!
## 🚀 Getting Started
### Installation
You can set up Apache DevLake by following our step-by-step instructions for either Docker Compose or Helm. Feel free to [ask the community](#💙-community) if you get stuck at any point.
- [Install via Docker Compose](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/GettingStarted/DockerComposeSetup)
- [Install via Helm](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/GettingStarted/HelmSetup)
## 🤓 Usage
Please see [detailed usage instructions](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/Overview/Introduction#how-do-i-use-devlake). Here's an overview on how to get started using DevLake.
### 1. Set up DevLake
Install using either [Docker Compose](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/GettingStarted/DockerComposeSetup) or [Helm](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/GettingStarted/HelmSetup).
### 2. Create a Blueprint
The DevLake Configuration UI will guide you through the process (a Blueprint) to define the data connections, data scope, transformation and sync frequency of the data you wish to collect.
### 3. Track the Blueprint's progress
You can track the progress of the Blueprint you have just set up.
### 4. View the pre-built dashboards
Once the first run of the Blueprint is completed, you can view the corresponding dashboards.
### 5. Customize the dashboards with SQL
If the pre-built dashboards are limited for your use cases, you can always customize or create your own metrics or dashboards with SQL.
## Contributing
Please read the [contribution guidelines](https://devlake.apache.org/community) before you make contribution. The following docs list the resources you might need to know after you decided to make contribution.
- [Create an Issue](https://devlake.apache.org/community/MakingContributions/fix-or-create-issues): Report a bug or feature request to Apache DevLake
- [Submit a PR](https://devlake.apache.org/community/MakingContributions/development-workflow): Start with [good first issues](https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) or [issues with no assignees](https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+no%3Aassignee)
- [Join Mailing list](https://devlake.apache.org/community/subscribe): Initiate or participate in project discussions on the mailing list
- [Write a Blog](https://devlake.apache.org/community/MakingContributions/BlogSubmission): Write a blog to share your use cases about Apache DevLake
- [Develop a Plugin](./backend/DevelopmentManual): Integrate Apache DevLake with more data sources as [requested by the community](https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aadd-a-plugin+)
### 👩🏾💻 Contributing Code
If you plan to contribute code to Apache DevLake, we have instructions on how to get started with setting up your Development environment.
- [Developer Setup Instructions](https://devlake.apache.org/docs/DeveloperManuals/DeveloperSetup)
- [Development Workflow](https://devlake.apache.org/community/MakingContributions/development-workflow)
### 📄 Contributing Documentation
One of the best ways to get started contributing is by improving DevLake's documentation.
- Apache DevLake's documentation is hosted at [devlake.apache.org](https://devlake.apache.org/)
- **We have a separate GitHub repository for Apache DevLake's documentation:** [github.com/apache/incubator-devlake-website](https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake-website)
## ⌚ Roadmap
Roadmap: Detailed roadmaps for DevLake.
## 💙 Community
- Slack: Message us on
- Wechat Community: [Check the barcode](resources/img/wechat_community_barcode.png)
## 📄 License
This project is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.