apache / incubator-ponymail

Apache Pony Mail (Incubating) - Email for Ponies & People
80 stars 30 forks source link

NB: Development focus has shifted towards our Pony Mail codename Foal replacement suite.
Suggestions for new features should be focused on that repository instead.

Apache Pony Mail (Incubating)

Development on this project has shifted to incubator-ponymail-foal. This repository is now deprecated.

Apache Pony Mail (Incubating) is a web-based mail archive browser licensed under the Apache License v/2.0 and built to scale to millions of archived messages with hundreds of requests per second.

Pony Mail allows you to browse and interact with mailing lists using Mozilla Persona or OAuth2 (Google, GitHub, Facebook etc) for authentication.



See https://lists.apache.org for a demo (this now runs the Foal suite).

Pony Mail works in both public, private and mixed-mode, allowing you to have one unified place for all your communication, both public and private.

Features include:


Getting started

(Optionally see the detailed installation instructions for more information)

Supported Linux Distributions

For a quick guide to installing Pony Mail, please see the guides for:

Generic installation instructions

  1. Install Apache httpd + mod_lua and the lua libs (see http://modlua.org/gs/installing if need be)
  2. Install ElasticSearch
  3. Install Pony Mail (e.g. clone git or unpack release archive)
  4. Go to $HOME_PM/tools/ and run 'python setup.py' - follow the instructions and enter info or do 'python setup.py --defaults'
  5. Adjust site/js/config.js as necessary
  6. Add Pony Mail as an archiver for your lists. see this doc.
  7. import mbox data with import-mbox.py if need be (see this doc for details)
  8. All done :) But please see the detailed installation instructions for more details

Contributing to Pony Mail

We'd LOVE if more people would contribute to Pony Mail! Any form of contribution is most welcome, whether it be programming, documentation, evangelism, marketing, or helping out other users.

To contribute to Pony Mail, follow these steps (also see this doc):

Development Benchmarking

Pony Mail has been built for and tested with the mail archives of the Apache Software Foundation, which span more than 15 million emails sent across more than 20 years. To put things into perspective, importing all this on a modern machine (2xSSD with 64GB RAM) took around 12 hours and resulted in a performance at around 100 archive search requests per second per ES node, depending on mailing list size and available bandwidth.


This is a list of what we would love to get done: